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101st keyboard brigade

n A name given to those who are tough guys when commenting anonymously on internet boards.

Oh great, a flamewar has begun. Looks like the 101st Keyboard Brigade has arrived!!

by estiban_acronym August 4, 2004

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captain of the butt brigade

of a distinguished group of homosexual males, the one who displays the most flamboyantly queer, fudge-packing tendencies

As the Captain of the butt brigade shouted "ram that ass!" Jonah was drilled by the cabin boy.

by Alex August 9, 2003

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big penis brigade

(Sorry ladies, but I had to post this...)

The Brigade is a secret held only by women and the actual male members of the Big Penis Brigade. The Brigade was founded to provide women with sexual satisfaction. The Brigade can only be found at "women only" parties.

When women get together for Girls Night, Hen Night and bachelorette parties, you can guarantee that the "Big Penis Brigade" will be in attendance undeterred by the "No Men Allowed" rules. In fact, the Brigade is often invited by the ladies in the party.

The men who are members of the Brigade are known for their good looks, sexual stamina and of course, their extremely large penises.

While attending these "Women Only" parties, the Brigade has sex with every woman at the party. Yes even the ugly ones... Every woman has sex at least 2x and usually with a different member of the Brigade. Some of the women has sex with every member, but this is very rare occurrence because of most women cannot handle the sheer amount of sex that the Brigade can provide.

So when your wife/girlfriend returns home happy and refreshed from a "Women Only" party, you will know that she spent some quality time with the Big Penis Brigade.

(Sorry ladies, but I had to post this)

Jen: Hi Lisa, thanks for coming to my "Wine, Women and Whine" party.

Lisa: I'm glad to be here. So when is the Big Penis Brigade expected to arrive?

Jen: They should be here shortly. Here, have a drink. The drink should help you loosen up.

by cityguychicago April 1, 2009

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4th Brigade

A powerful and awesome raiding faction in Discord!

Hail to the 4th, bro!

Person 1: Wow, the 4th Brigade just nuked someone's server today!
Person 2: Coolio!

by ThalassiosTheMappingGuy April 5, 2022

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Ceaser's Fire brigade

1) When the government or government officals destroys your property or assets and you have to pay for any damages, repairs, legal costs and any further government taxes to do with said property or assets.

2) Where the government legally aquires your property without permission and destroys it in order to make way for a highway or another government owned structure.

This word was made famous when Marcus Licinius Crassus who came from a wealthy roman family created the first fire brigade in Rome and would have hundreds of men on hand to help put out the flames. Unfortunatly the firemen refused to help without gaining at least a third of the price of the property, these deals were usually made whilst the property was burning.

Augustus Ceaser adopted this Idea and built his own fire brigade where he would burn down other peoples properties and then claim them as damaged goods which could be legally aquired by Augustus Ceaser.

Government: Excuse me sir we have aquired your home to make way for a highway with tolls

Joe Blow: What Ive been living on this land for fifty years you can't do that

Government: Is it a bird is it plane, no It's Ceaser's Fire brigade now piss off.

by blashada October 19, 2012

Croatian Fire Brigade

When you are your 2 best bros head to single cubicle bathroom and urinate everywhere but the toilet bowl, then send you next best bro to go drink the sweet nectar from the piss laden toilet bin.

Bro 1: Hey bro we should go and drench that fire in the bathroom.
Bro 2: I'll call the Croatian Fire Brigade.
Bro 3: Lemme grab a straw.

by Bro 100 July 30, 2022

42 (NW) Brigade

A Brigade (Fighting group) of the british army, belonging to 2 Division.

42 bd. is based in the north west, headquartered in Preston. It comprises of 2 infantry battalions (Kings Royal Hussars and Royal Green Jackets) and a General Support Medical Regiment, totalling some 2000 troops.

Its formation badge is a 45 degree square, the bottom half red and the top white with a sword pointing north west.

2 div. is not one of the army's 2 deployable divisions (1 and 3 div.)

42 bd. also comprises of some 7000 Army Cadet Force.

42 (NW) Brigade set out on the training exercise.

by ...:::BeZ:::.. September 22, 2006

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