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Something that people of convict ancestry do to again get charges leveled against them, and because they since long haven't got their rectal examination done.
#lostralia #convict

Steven Smith, Australian Cricket Captain with his bed partners Warner, Ban-croft (Bankrupt), Lehmann, and bowlers did cheating last evening due to getting inspired by Ricky Chinese Pon ting.

by aussiehunter April 5, 2018

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The Cheat

A small yellow animal.

The Cheat get over here so i can kick you.

by XBAW March 7, 2003

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When someone is in a relationship and the partner dates someone else while in the relationship

Jayson cheated on me with shelly

by Garycull November 26, 2019

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Cheating isn’t to bad, I mean it can ruin relationships, but if you lose one girl then you have another waiting

β€œIf you cheat on your girl once a month, that’s only 12/365 days a year, so your still 97% faithful, which is an A+”- Issac Newton
β€œWow good analogy for cheating Issac Newton!”

by Somebodythatyousedtoknow October 15, 2019

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being emotionaly or physically involved with anyone other than the person you are in a relationship with.

Rick was sneaking around with Chelsea every night while in a relationship with Sophia. Rick didn't think it was cheating because he wasn't sexually involved but him being emotionaly involved was enough for Sophia to break up with him

by Yeeterboi1249 October 21, 2019

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When someone gives you permission to mail them a gift through Penguin Pick-Up, then proceeds to inform you they've forgotten the address.

Justin: "Happy birthday! Where can I mail your gift?"

Hannah: "Thank you! You can send it to my Penguin Pick-up!!"

Justin: "Okay! What's the address?"

Hannah: "Awe man, I forgot!"

Justin: "That's cheating!!"

by Mick and Rorty August 27, 2017

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To hook up or date another person without ending your current relationship

Guys! Ray cheated on me with Summer and broke up with me over the phone

by Squidfart May 25, 2016

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