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A person who believes in a false hope because they can't accept that they are just going to die like all the rest of us and succumb to the black nothingness that is our unavoidable future as humans.


That christian ass hole thinks he's up on a pedestal...

he's gonna be in the ground before me.

worm food bitches.

just like jesus.

by shadaisy mcjangles February 4, 2010

163๐Ÿ‘ 147๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who can't answer the question "Why did God create Smallpox?", or, just rationalize it in some weird way in favour of their God.

Atheist Vs Christian debate

Christian: You're going to Hell!

Atheist: Okay that's nice but can you answer the question I've asked 9 times; Why did your God create Smallpox?

Christian: Disease is a result of Sin!

Atheist: So why would a merciful God punish millions of humans, many being babys, because some guy was convinced by a talking snake to eat a magical apple that your God put there in the first place? And that's just one of God's many creations that he made in his infinite wisdom.


Atheist: *sigh*

by Niak34 October 3, 2010

170๐Ÿ‘ 158๐Ÿ‘Ž


Perhaps the single most debated thing in the entire world, next to abortion. Involves major characters from religions across the world, such as Islam and Judaism. In all three religions, a single God stays in the middle of all conflict, with differing views depending on the religion one is looking at.

The major difference with Christianity, though, is that Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth, a man who was born around the year 0 (while most scholars now believe the date could have been a couple of years later), was and is divine. The story behind Jesus is that God, the loving, caring, creator of the universe, saw that the world was slowly sinking into it's own evil, and sent his only son to save the people, by offering himself as a sacrifice to cleanse the sins of the people of the earth. This form of sacrifice dates back to early Jewish practices, except that instead of an innocent human, animals were sacrificed to please God and beg for forgiveness.

There is no doubt that Jesus Christ did exist, as three major world religions do make references about him, only in differing ways. The Jews think he was a prophet, not the Messiah (perhaps because his teaching went against many of the things that Jews originally thought), the Muslims think he was a prophet, but that he had little significance besides the fact that he was a wise man, and the Christians think he was divine.

Personal Opinion: For all of you athiests out there, I understand that believing in an all powerful, universe controlling Mega-God may be hard, but look around. Do you honestly think that everything, from the sky, to the earth, to yourself, just happened? It is almost foolish to say that everything just "happened", because there is so much proof against it.

Think of it this way: The Jews are foretold to be God's chosen people. They are, in a sense, protected by God, though it may not seem to always be that way. Want an example? In Jewish history, past and present, Jews have fought in wars after wars, been persecuted, killed, tortured, and nearly wiped out, yet they are still a powerful world religion, mainly in the middle east. Do you see anybody around now who worships Baal, the fertility god? Or Ra, the god of the sun? The answer is no. Those religions died off after a short time, because they had nothing backing them up. In Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, all three worship the same God, just in different ways, with different beliefs.

Now, to the point of Jesus the Christ. Scholars know, without a doubt, that Jesus was an actual man, that he did live, around the year 0.

People think Christians and Jews are so different, when in fact, they really aren't. Christians are just Jews who have realized their Messiah, while Jews think he still is to come.

My own personal belief? God does have a son. His name was Jesus of Nazareth, son of Joseph the Carpenter and Mary. I do believe that he was born of a virgin, and for those who stop there when thinking about it, remember, this is God who we're talking about. If he wants Jesus to be born of a virgin, so be it. If he wants Him to be born from a man... so be it as well, but I really don't think he would do that.

I also believe that Jesus died at the hand of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, and after three days, He rose again, as was foretold in Jewish prophecy.

And now, for my final statement to defend my case, think of Christianity in one last way. In the words of C.S. Lewis, let's say that you athiests are right. We die, thats it, nothing more. Everybody loses. But let's say I'm right. You still lose, but I get eternity in Heaven with the God of the universe and his only begotten son.

Let's just say I'm pretty sure of myself.

Christianity has been twisted, molted, and perverted in every possible way, by people who aren't willing to admit that their lives are not perfect. Those who do realize this and repent are assured life eternal. Those who realize it but do nothing will end up spending eternity in the lake of fire.

by Children of the King June 13, 2006

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-A person lacking in common sense
-Filled with denial or ignorance
-see Down Syndrome

"Poor thing, I'm afraid he was tragically born a Christian..."

by Man_whore_OMG October 5, 2006

255๐Ÿ‘ 243๐Ÿ‘Ž


Scums of the Earth that is the cause of most major artificial world problems. Consists of usually criminals, cowards, dumbasses, and rapists who wants to go to "Heaven" after being a dick all their life. Most intolerable cult that attacks, kills, and insults people who do not believe in their god. The reason why discrimination is so rampant. They attempt to create theocracies all over the world and crush all those who do not conform with their pathetic ideals.

Crusades, witch hunts, and Catholic and Protestant conflicts are some examples of how intolerant and apathetic Christians are.

by notAmerican August 4, 2005

306๐Ÿ‘ 292๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who believes in mystic bullshit, and denies all science, despite the overwhelming amount of proof, and the lack of proof of god.

A completely delusional, self centered, STUPID person.

Someone who hates gays, pushes you into believing their blind religion, and is the main reason for worldwide conflict.

A bit of evidence to shed some light:

Mark 11:24
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

This is how this prayer works. A hundred people get cancer. All of them are believers, true Christians.

They all get cancer.
So daily they pray to "god" to cure their illness.

99 of them die.
1 of them survives, and believes it's the work of god.
The news hears about that 1 person, and lets the world know.

Most of the elements in Christianity are "borrowed" from other, ancient, dead religions, and been called their own.

God, for some reason, can't show himself to humans, because that will make humans "lose faith".

Which is just really fucking stupid.

To sum it all up, a Christian has the mindset of a five year old. A five year old who belivees Santa is real.
Of course you know the kid is believing in a fairy tale, as most kids his/her age do.

He/she believes with all her heart that Santa will give him/her presents every year if he/she has been good.

The same way a Christian believes that if he's been good, rejected the very idea of homosexuality, and pushed his/her beliefs down your throat, prayed mindlessly ro some stupid fuck in the sky, they'll get to go to heaven.


Only a Christian rarely outgrows these beliefs. The five year old does.

Thumb me down as much as you want. I don't really give a fuck, seeing as there are so many more important things to even think about.

"Hello there. I'm Jesus! I'm a christian ! I love you! I'll forgive your sins if you believe in me! You can always count on me for help! I'm your friend!

But I need funding at church, so my friend, the priest here, will pass around this plate. Just put all your money on that. Thanks!

Also, i'm going to have to ask you to worship me, and drink my blood and eat my skin, otherwise I'LL HAVE TO DAMN YOU TO HELL!

I've also got an amazing saying:
Forgive thy enemies. Coming from me! Jesus! The guy who damns his enemies to hell!



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A hottie, sexy beast, but is never on social media. He will always give up what he has to be with the one he loves. A Capricorn usually. He's been through a lot so don't mistreat him. Usually with an amazing girlfriend. But if you can get him as a friend then that's enough.

Ha! Christian's hilarious.

by Caterina48510 January 3, 2017

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