Cis Apathetic is just like Gender Apathetic (Apagender_ except you personally identify with your gender assigned at birth, however, you don't care about gender even though you identify with one.
"I identify as Cis Apathetic. I am a female, but you can use whatever pronouns you'd like to."
"I identify as male even though I couldn't care less about my gender nor pronouns you want to use to describe me."
2👍 1👎
The term for despite checking your gender identity in contrast with biological sex and finding yourself completely in agreence with it.
Jerry: "So i've been doing some thinking since Bob came out and i'm completely comfortable with my gender"
Charlie: "Bro, congrats on unlocking cis +"
#1 BH clan in RuneScape. Even though RoT flames all day long and have 100 people to their pk trips, they can't do anything but sit on their computer and cry.
Team-CI = Chaotic Impulse but you can just call us Chinese Immigrants. :D
Stories about apparently excessive non-binary individuals , how complicated gender is nowadays or pretty bad self- definition analogies some cis people hold-on to and\or HAVE share while at a family gathering.
Cuz they're real opened minded, but insert cis-fiction.
Alternative meaning : Used to describe a really basic\ prince charming & princess romantic comedy.
A cousin : "and they get all angry if you mess up there self declared pronouns... And ..."
Me : "has something like that actually happened to you?"
A cousin : "..."
Non sarcastic person : "It's absurd! I mean what if I demanded of everyone to address me as a cat? "
Sarcastic person : "You make a good point. This analogy truly captures the subtleties of the situation."
Some person : "non-binary pronoun are SO confusing"
Some wiser person : "I'm just impress you actually believe yourself and don't see any shame in declaring a word swap as SO confusing"
Alternative meaning - "wow, that movie was total cis-fiction!"
Si Ci is an absolute legend. Her ability to instagram copious amounts of food (on the hour, every hour) while simultaneously completing intensive study makes you feel like an under achiever for sure.
Not only is she a restaurant/eatery connoisseur but Si Ci is an Ultimate frisbee superstar. While her mad throwing skills & defensive prowess make her a teammate’s favourite; the thing her team loves about her the most is how she laughs at everyone’s jokes making them feel hilarious.
Luckily she has no plans to leave us. Ever.
I’m so Si Ci right putting ma food on da ‘gram