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The ability to navigate through unknown or unfamiliar surroundings with no navigational instruments.

Using his compassibility, Shelby was able to get us back to the hotel in Amsterdam.

by newbish September 24, 2007


To have a great amount of sympathy, care or concern for someone or something.

John Doe was having such a hard time mowing the yard, I couldn’t help but compassionize with him and mow his lawn.

by Kay The Extraordinaire September 15, 2022

Rumpus Compass

The supposed ability of a person to find someone with an attractive buttock by ‘sensing’ the location of said buttock in their mind.

My Rumpus Compass is telling me to go over there.

by GoingNorth June 2, 2018

compass gang

a legitimate crew consisting of tycoonwiththebling and slime999ine
"new wave artists into rock/trap".

i really wanna feature compass gang.

by tycoonwiththebling July 22, 2020