A slang way of greeting someone or saying hello.
It is said and then a handshake is presented by the sayer. You shake the persons hand and then proceed to fist bump them.
Sayin cuh
Irvin Rosales and Jesus Jimenez
Cuh Foo-Types of Cuhs that are foolish
A way to describe any feeling regarding the situation.
friend 1: I was jacking off and you ruined it
Me: CUH! (in this case CUH means: what the actual fuck)
Synonym of ''bro'' or ''my guy''. Used by males more than females.
Hey wassup cuh! What we doing today?
puro trokiando cuhh this term is use by a takuache or a piasa hat have that edger har cut and they only know how to trokiar y quemar llanta cuh altho there mexican they like to comer hamburgesas they all like to go to la hon dipo
and comen en el mak dolads de la gual mart