A few strange noises made by the mouth of a man with 11 toes.
It will go somewhere along the lines of Bingle-bongle-dingle-dangle-yickety-doo-yickety-dah-ping-pong-lippy-tappy-too-tahh.
It's an internet sensation, caused by a 'difficult' teenage-girl, who was in the doctor Phil show.
It basically means that you want to continue your discussion physically and without a lot of people surrounding u.
'Cash me outside howbow dah' is now the official january 2017 meme, sharing her place with the salt guy. (look it up)
Rose are red,
my hart is fat,
will u be ma valentine
or cash me outside howbow dah
The act of masturbating so much in one day that the friction created causes the skin to tear and for the penis to begin to bleed!
Joe, I need you to check my penis, I had a foul doo-dah last night and i don't think it has stopped bleeding!
Similar to the word Queen, It refers to person that you are attracted to, or a person that you deeply care about, commonly a female. Usually used by simps
"Dah Queen has made another amazing post!"
when he cums in your little pink pussy so much that it overfills/overflows and you feel pregnant with cum so you squirt it out aswell as your cum so its mixes and you moan so loud and gets daddy horny and he fills you again and again... and again...
so then you cant walk the next following week and you get preggo.
very realistic ik.
"Hey Linda wanna fuck?"
"Yeah why not Brian, overfill dah pussy"
It means Sucking Dick & Talking at the same time, (Put your hand in your mouth and say "That's Enough").
Two dudes are talking, you think she will dah-anah?