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derial debt

When you owe an asset to the Miraheze Raigforce Wiki.

dude i am in so much derial debt rn

by February 22, 2025

Debt collector

Someone who goes to the club and get girls numbers

Hey Bob I'm going to the club to get some numbers tonight
Bob: you better leave those broke hoes alone you going to be paying all there bills you must love being a debt collector

by Snowk1ng August 24, 2017

Guardian Debt Relief

A company that scams people who are in debt.

Guardian Debt Relief lies to its customers.

by Green Pill December 31, 2020

Reverse Gobble Debt

Basic carrot and stick system, whereby you promise someone to suck their cock in exchange for a good/service by a certain date. However if they fail to deliver on that date, they owe you a bloj instead.

<Tues> "Jeff, if you get me that wire by Weds I'll suck your cock."
<Tues> "Done! Get ready for a fat one in your mouth!"
<Weds> no wire
<Thurs> no wire
<Fri> "That's it Jeff, I invoke the right of Reverse Gobble Debt!"
<Fri> "aww, god damn it...I deserve that for lagging all the time, I guess you get to fuck my throat and make me Gwock hard"

by myfakeurbanDname March 6, 2020


The machine used to create the national debt and by design was invented to punch through the debt ceiling with impunity.

"Dude - I thought it was Congress and the President making us broke. I came to find out it is the debt-o-matic device invented by our large number of entitled citizens!! Man, what a team . . .

by Contracts God December 18, 2012

slap debt

When someone wins a slap bet but has yet to deliver the slap. This may be due to a desire to strategically time the slap or, more commonly, the lack of fortitude to strike a fellow human being.

"Dude, I heard you lost a slap bet to Tracie last week! That must have hurt!"

"Naw, she still owes me a slap debt. She doesn't have it in her."

by Obey The Hypnotoad February 19, 2014

Anal Debt

The principle and/or an unspoken code in which a person performs a task or favor for another person, that results in debt that can only be repaid with anal sex.

Emilia: Thanks for the ride to the bank, but I have no money to pay you.
Winston: If you can't pay me, you are in anal debt to me!

by Evan? October 28, 2015