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Looching Device

In Gujarati, the word "looch" means to wipe something or to wipe something away. The word I created means; A wiping device (to probably wipe your wet dishes.)

"May you please pass me the looching device"

by yashxviii :) August 17, 2022

Four Wheeled Device

A non-motored device that has four wheels

Man! Drake is doing some sick moves on his Four Wheeled Device!

by Genderlessbork December 20, 2017

Crotch Held Device

Most people would call it a hand held device, I call it a crotch held device.

Please see crothchphones. Crotch held device.

by 1666 February 24, 2018

Rhetorical Devices

The nuts and bolts of speech and writing; the parts that make a communication work. Separately, each part of is meaningless, but once put together they create a powerful effect on the listener/reader.

Rhetorical devices can function at all levels: words, sentences, paragraphs, and to infinity and beyond.

by PlessyVFergunson May 6, 2022

removable device

Definition: A piece of equipment or gadget designed to be easily detached or disconnected from its primary system or location, often for portability or convenience.
Pronunciation: /rɪˈmu vəbl dɪˈvaɪs/ ("ri-MOO-vuh-bul deh-VICE")

• A device or tool that can be easily deleted or separated from a system without significant effort.
• Commonly used for portable storage, such as USB drives, external hard drives, or detachable accessories.
• It implies flexibility and ease of use when connecting or disconnecting.
Phrase: removable device

• "He always preserves a removable device handy for transferring files."
• "The laptop came with a removable device for extra storage."
• "She disconnected the removable device after creating her data."

by Dmitrio October 18, 2024

poking device

When a man is spooning his partner and ends up poking them in the back with his poking device (erect penis) - whether on purpose or by accident.

I can feel your poking device. Poke me with it.

by surprise shark January 26, 2025

Trolling Device

A quirky object used to bamboozle unsuspecting bystanders, otherwise known as an IED.

I engaged in a bit of tomfoolery by placing a trolling device inside this comically oversized envelope addressed to the nearest government office building.

by acid3 February 15, 2022