Worst show ever on MTV. It plays rap and only rap, then takes over MTV.
If Direct effect wasn't a show then rap wouldn't have taken over.
10👍 4👎
From an operations management perspective, a direct run is when a product is driven entirely through the production process with no diversions or backtracks for rework or repairs.
If you think of a way to promote direct runs on your assembly line, tell management.
Expression used in spiritual/philosophical circles referring to an unmediated experience of transcendence or the numinous, usually achieved through meditative/introspective practices - such as 'self-inquiry' - or through the use of psychedelics. Synonymous with the mystical experience.
Ramana Maharshi underwent direct experience as a 14-year old.
I had a direct experience by doing 5 grams of dried psilocybin mushrooms.
when someone sends a unit at you and you counter with the same unit
Your enemy builds a marauder to send at you, so you build a marauder as a direct counter
Direct TV is a shit company, a waste of time because you can't watch anything. The channel is way too expensive.
"Tom I just took a shit," "oh you just took a direct TV? Gross."
Knowing where to go. Having a sense of direction is like that giant finger on Simpsons Road Rage that points you to where you want to go, without even looking at a GPS.
You: "Hey Justin Bieber, where is the coffee shop?"
Justin: "And I was like, BABY! BABY! BABY OOOH!"
You: "Okay, I'll just use my Sense Of Direction.."
The direction in which you are facing. This is a universal north for all beings.
Which way are you facing? To my directional north.
What’s directional north? Any way I am facing.