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Drug War

A War that can't be won. Millions of dallors are spent to fund it, and thousands of lives are fucked up because of it. Maybe instead of throwing drug users in prison, we should use all the billions of dallors spent to build rehab centers and accually try to fix the problem of hard drug abuse. Not to mention fucking over people that smoke bud or maybe shroom once in awhile. FUCK the DEA!

Instead of trying to fix the problem of getting people off of Heroin and Meth, the U.S. government thought it would easier to start a Drug War and just throw these people in prison.

by Whatever420 November 4, 2007

87πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

blowjob (drug)

A "blowjob" is a new date rape drug being used by women to lure young males into situations sometimes referred to as "relationships".
The drug can be found in many places. The back room at a house party, the parking lot of a club, or inside a porta-shitter at an outdoor concert.
Dealers often seem sweet and innocent. They use phrases like, "I've never done this before" or "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone".

Side effects of the drug vary from moderate pleasure to a full out addiction for more blowjobs.
Habitual use of blowjobs can lead to things like; finding women's clothes hung up neatly in your closet, an extra toothbrush in the bathroom, and sometimes even small 10lb balls of fur running around your house that dealers call "dogs".
Users often make excuses for why they can't hang out with their friends. "It's movie night", "we are having dinner with her parents", etc.

man 1: "dude, where's jimmy been all week?"
man 2: "remember that chick from the club the other night he was talking to?"
man 1: "yeah, i remember her."
man 2: "i think she slipped him a blowjob (drug) after we left. he hasn't been the same since."
man 1: "oh shit, we gotta talk to him before it's too late!"

by The amazing tech October 24, 2009

249πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

smoking drugs

1. The act of consuming psychoactive substances by the method of smoking (Marijuana, Crack, Opium, Methamphetamine, DMT, PCP, Nicotine, etc).

2. Referring to soft drugs in a way that they aquire the negative aspects of other drugs, notably substances with detrimental physical or mental properties.

1. Smoking is one of the most common ways of using using drugs.

Billy-"Do you mean marijuana?"
Billy-"Not exactly, while certain hard drugs can have you physically and mentally addicted, marijuana and other soft drugs have a very low abuse potential"
Billy-"...ignorant bitch"

by da_infamous_cole May 31, 2008

35πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

the drug war

U.S. federal, state and local governments have spent hundreds of billions of dollars trying to make America β€œdrug-free.” Yet heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine and other illicit drugs are cheaper, purer and easier to get than ever before. Nearly half a million people are behind bars on nonviolent drug charges - more than all of western Europe (with a bigger population) incarcerates for all violent AND nonviolent offenses. The war on drugs has become a war on families, a war on public health and a war on our constitutional rights.

Many of the problems the drug war purports to resolve are in fact caused by the drug war itself. So-called β€œdrug-related” crime is a direct result of drug prohibition's distortion of immutable laws of supply and demand. Public health problems like HIV and Hepatitis C are all exacerbated by zero tolerance laws that restrict access to clean needles. The drug war is not the promoter of family values that some would have us believe. Children of inmates are at risk of educational failure, joblessness, addiction and delinquency. Drug abuse is bad, but the drug war is worse.

see Failure

by Torrey January 14, 2004

35πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

drug deal

Making a deal to get something to where it's either out of the norm, something you would never do, or just plain odd; to the point where it makes it even more bizarre and lucrative just based on the desire/need/or desperation of the item or favor you are making a deal for. Furthermore it may be with a person or people to whom you would NEVER really associate with during any other time. Almost like making a deal with the devil

I just made a wicked drug deal with Jeremy. I offered to do his homework for a week while he let me borrow his car next weekend. Normally I wouldn't fuck with him, but he has a sweet ride, and I'm trying to impress Suzy so I can get some ass. Hoo boy...

by RagingDemon856 July 8, 2011

67πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Drugs not Chugs

When someone prefers some sort of drug instead of alcohol.

I'm not drinking tonight, i'll probably just drop acid! Drugs not chugs!

by drugsnothugs April 25, 2011

52πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Drug Geek

A person who may or may have not used drugs but has memorized the Erowid archives and if your nice can be your sitter for the night.

Tends to attract drugy friends.

Bro you best check with stoner steve fo you take that shit. The dudes a drug geek, he keep you fro getin fucked up man.

by Jindou July 8, 2009

29πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž