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An excellent website for stalking people you find attractive and judging the popularity of others. You can try make yourself look cooler by puting up about 30 photos of yourself at every social event you went to, and making "friends" with everyone you might have glimpsed at.

Jimmy's mom: Facebook sure is great. It allows you to contact all of your old friends and make new friends!

Jimmy: Oh yea...right...

by Dillweed2 June 26, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


The "walmart" myspace or generic myspace. Cheap pointless crap. A place where you add people from your past that you can't remember why you stopped talking to them until you start to speak with them again.

"Are you on facebook?" No I had an account for 5 seconds but deleted it.

by rvn76 March 31, 2008

62๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


A statement or form of media that is worthy of posting on Facebook.

"That is a Facebookable comment. I think I'll post it now."

by Carmelitatime January 7, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


(v.)- To wrap your buttcheeks around another person's face, like putting an open book over their face, hence the term "Facebooking." The facebooker can then proceed to smother his/her partner's face with his/her buttcheeks. Used as a sexual move between partners. Also known as "cheek to cheek."

Dude, she facebooked me last night and it was fucking awesome until she farted up my nose.

Oh gross! those two guys are facebooking each other in public in BROAD DAYLIGHT!

by Count Zurich April 4, 2009

145๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž


An annoying website that emails that blah has added the blah appilcation. The applications are hard to add/remove. Juat another myspace/bebo

EMAIL: you have just recived new email!
YOU: oh yay maybe it's my sick sister
EMAIL: facebook- blah has added the blah application to their profile!
YOU: wow, i really don't care

by username___ June 10, 2008

20๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


a place where you feel like you have a social life even if you dont, or an html based high five

good thing i have my laptop with me, now i can facebook it up while doing my homework

by skater3266 February 16, 2009

45๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


An online network that used to be exclusively for college students arranged in networks. Abbreviated FB sometimes. Networks were then extended to high schools and work places. Then users were allowed to create groups amongst themselves. A profile includes pictures of three types: added by the user, posted as the default profile picture (added to a seperate album), or tagged in other user's/groups photos. Birthdate, sexual orientation, relationship status, and location can also be shown. More details can be added in the profile, such as music & TV preferences, interests & activities, work information, and college/high school information and class schedules. Some annoying shit that was omitted from myspace was the height/weight thing (everyone was fucking 8'11 and 350 pounds!), myspace IM, banner ads, the heros section (everyone loved their fucking best friend, no shit we get it), and top friends. It elaborated on myspace by allowing a wall-to-wall view (mini convo), tagged photos, and the comment back feature. Has virtually no spam friend requests wanting you to check out bullshit webcams, unlike other sites. Unlike myspace, Mark Zuckerberg (the creator) does not start out as your friend (a la Tom). Also no crazy layouts and computer slowing shit. Mostly used by college students and high schoolers who plan on going to college. But gay people who don't go to college and dropped out of college and might not even work join, and pull a "No Network" status. Bullshit right thurrr. A stalker's dream because people tend to put better stuff in interests & activities, as well as posting screenames and phone numbers, and people can be tagged in any picture. A great way to keep in touch with people, keep tabs on that certain hot girl who parties a lot, or that hot boy who you happened to catch his name in class and want to add to recognize you exist.

Has a usage as a verb, "to facebook" can be the following:
a.) to post a wall comment
b.) to add as a friend on facebook
c.) To go to someone's profile, look at all their pictures and notice how fucking hot they are, but don't add them. Instead, continue to visit their site and see what they do and if they're still single or not.
d.) message someone on facebook
e.) To veg out bored to death on facebook.

I checked my facebook today.
I looked her up on facebook.
Go on FB I wrote on your wall.

a.) I facebooked you with the time of the concert.
b.) I facebooked that cute girl from class, hopefully she accepts it.
c.) I facebook that hot girl and stalk her like crazy
d.) I facebooked the math answers to you, check your inbox.
e.) I was facebooking all day and not doing my homework.

by Davey Mack January 3, 2008

55๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž