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Onion Facts

Onion Facts is a godly video uploaded on the timotainment YouTube channel. It is very educational and redacted. It includes facts such as redacted, and redacted.

Orang: Have you seen onion facts?

Meme man: redacted

by Traffic Cone April 8, 2020

Jim Fact

A fact that is plausible, interesting and true in all details except for one critical point.

Jim: Did you know chicken pox derives from a strain of smallpox?

John: Wow, really?

Jim: Yeah yeah! Isn't that interesting...

John, after checking the internet: No they aren't! Shenanigans! They aren't even in the same virus family! That's a Jim Fact if I ever heard one!

by Jimfact Jim January 28, 2011

Big Facts

When you're keeping it real to the max!

Him: Is she a hoe bro?
Me: Yea she is dead ass word to my muva Big Facts #BigFacts
Him: Say no more! Im lit.

by OsoAuzzie August 24, 2016

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Alternative Facts

Using lies in an attempt to change the truth when the actual truth does not conform to the narrative you want to forward.

The press secretary didn't lie he was just using alternative facts.

by poidogp January 22, 2017

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Proven Fact

A statement that's 100% true no matter what anyone else says. Ever. Unlike the misleading title, there is no need for actual PROVEN facts. Often used in situations where couples fight over who loves each other more.

It is a proven fact that Olivia loves Amanda more.

Olivia: "It is a proven fact that I love you more"
Amanda: "Prove it!"
Olivia: "I don't need to."

by always damn right November 19, 2009

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foug facts

A fact delivered, typically out of context or awkwardly, that is usually mistruen or completely false. The claim(s) is largely 'supported' through word of mouth by personal sources.

Foug: The chlorine level found in Halifax's water supply is 0.0017ppm.

Group" *stunned.

Foug: My dad said so.

by foug January 30, 2005

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Straight Facts

The higher degree of "facts." It is an emphasized version of "facts" meaning extremely true or something that is beyond true.

Billy: "Your dick is so much bigger than mine."
Alston: "Straight facts!"

by Butt Fuck Egypt December 6, 2018

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