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Fear Factor

a "reality" tv show that shows how desperate americans are for money.

Fear Factor sucks ass.

by gunslingergirlvy_c_e August 4, 2006

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Ghetto Fear

The fear of "Ghetto" individuals or the place in which they take residence.


I hate price hill, i have such a ghetto fear of there.

by xxcostelloxx July 18, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

irrational fear

Something that scares the living shit out of you that isn't going to kill/hurt/maim you. Just grow a pair, deal with it, and move on. You can thank me later.

Rational fears:
1. That BIG fucking dog that accidentally got out of the neighbor's yard...AGAIN!
2. Ramifications of telling your boss to go fuck himself (or herself.)

Irrational fears:
1. Asking a guy/girl on a date. (OK, she says no, maybe laughs a little...tells her friend, who post it on...OK, maybe this is a rational fear!)
2. Getting screwed by a leprechaun. (Leprechauns have such small dicks...so I've been told.)

by StevieTheOldFrigginFart July 26, 2014

28๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Brussels Fear

A derivative of The Fear it may be encountrered after only a short time in the Belgian capital of Brussels.

Studies show that The Brussels Fear may be caused by the increased alcohol content of Belgian Beer. Conflicting studies have found that the true source of The Brussels Fear is the general sense of loathing one gets from being in Brussels.

The Brussels Fear is made worse by the local population's refusal to assist you with even the most basic of tasks, generally accompanied by the phrase 'It is not possible'.

The only known cure for The Brussels Fear is leaving Belgium however the effects of this illness can be felt for many days/lifetimes after.

The best feeling in the world is when the plane/eurostar starts moving and you know the worst is behind you. You then shake violently when you realise you still have the Brussels Fear.

by The HB September 2, 2010

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Fear the beer

The saying for the MLB's Brewers. Intended as a rhyme to the Buck's fear the deer

Person A: The Brewers just won the series today.

Person B: Fear the beer.

by Brandon Jennings May 27, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

hair fear

The phenomenon where an individual intends to get a haircut, but reconsiders after performing a last minute evaluation of their hairstyle.

This is in fact your hair exhibiting existential dread and influencing you into extending its lifetime.

Aaron: "Well i have a hair cut booked 15 minutes from now but i dont think im going to go because by hair looks absolutley fantastic right now."

Matt: "Thats your hair fear talking, you have to go to your haircut."

by Abstract Sever November 9, 2017

baby fear

The prodigious fear of babies.

Jim was afraid to get too close to the small humans. He had the baby fear.

by Myth Ookami January 23, 2010