Used to reference a video game title that launches in a complete state without story content locked behind a pre-order or higher price tier.
Baldurs gate 3 launched as a feature complete game that tilted all the "do less for more money" game developers.
the most annoying settings to have on, they always mess up the fun
whenever i hold the screen and they kick in, it selects the video turning it blue and telling me to speak it or look it up ehen i have no intention to
the accessibility features are so annoying. they interrupted my geometry dash gameplay. i want them off
When your going down on a woman and use your tongue to hit her g-spot and make her squirt into your mouth and you spit it out towards her face like a Greek statue fountain
He was going down on me last night and decided to Greek water feature me!
The feature creeper is someone who, instead of settling with simple, predefined design and working around it, starts constantly adding stuff that weren't accounted for, cluttering the design with more and more features that may or may not be unnecessary(an act known as feature creep). Usually, they will not admit they've just commited a feature creep.
"I do not fear the feature creep, I embrace it! Yes, you can call me feature creeper, but that's just who I am!"
the kind of person you would like to refer to as a Bellend or a ball bag, basically a feature of a dick
Feature creep means too many unwanted features that clearly don't fit the original design and/or purpose.
Elari KidPhone 3G is a kids' smartwatch, it already had shitty battery life, but they added a MP3 player! That's some of the wildest feature creep I've ever seen in a firmware update!
The part of the building that a historic preservation major would fight another person to save. Do not doubt them, their addiction to box cornice dentil work and clapboard is strong enough to make your meth-head neighbor cower in fear.
"My god. Would you look at that STUNNINGLY. FABULOUS. Decorative dentil work along THAt cornice line!!! Now THAT is a character defining feature." :')