A system by which the government guarantees all employed persons in the entire nation will get a certain percentage of their income by the time they retire.
This system has been fairly functional up until recently, with current demographic shifts making most current models unsustainable unless states increase the age at which a person may collect their pension.
This has effectively made most of these systems into a literal political time-bomb in the countries in which they have been implemented because the taxes that must be levied against individuals and the companies that employ them to pay for such funds has made it so that only the ultra wealthy or very well off can feasibly keep a private retirement fund, meaning that with every year the government increases the retirement age they are effectively forcing most of the population to work longer than they want to/are able to, which is shockingly very unpopular with voters.
Wealthy CEO: Oh boy I’m sure looking to retire at age 50 and leave my company to my son/daughter so they may do the same exact thing.
Average Employed Person: Damn it’s going to suck ass working until I’m 70 only to retire and have the National Pension Fund recipient age raised to 71
A sort of hedge fund that is invisible to the government and tax implications. It is a legal loophole to use cryptocurrency to get around the bureaucratic policies that would usually stop normal individuals from starting a hedge fund. It does not exist as far as taxes are concerned
I invested in a ghost fund last year. Despite me making money using that investment vehicle, I claimed the taxes in my name instead.
A goofy ass school that just seems funky and like it is funded by McDonalds, no other way to describe it then, goofy school.
One-“My school is weird”
Me-“Yeah that’s one McDonalds funded ass school”
What one pulls money from for drugs.
Hey are you going to have enough money for this stuff? Yeah ill pull it from the Disney Fund
What a Hedge Fund turns into when the stocks theyve shorted get squeezed, forcing them to buy the stock back at much higher prices, often losing the billions and more they took from people by shorting the stock in the first place
Damn man.....that Hedge Fund that shorted that stock turned into a Wedgie Fund when they were forced to cover their shares they sold short. The Hedge Fund manager must feel like he's got a massive wedgie up his ass crack.
Not just government funded programs but also PLANTS. WHEN EXACTLY did fresh and fit get demonitized? IMMEDIATELY AFTER they had a slew of guest on the panel who all SAID SOME OF THE THINGS I'VE SAID. Where did those guys come from? Seemingly out of nowhere. Where are they now? Gone. Literal social suicide bombers. It's Zerkha. It's Destiny. If not for the prison sentence I would say that it's Tate. They are laundering my persona into the internet so they can LITERALLY STEAL A.I. This shit isn't a game. I know you YouTube retards struggle to take anything outside of your solipsistic terrarium seriously but I can't express to you how far they are actually going with this. They are literally co-opting my entire existence (AND NOT JUST ON THE INTERNET) to promote Jesus. And they are doing it EXPLICITLY BECAUSE I was right about the gangstalking. SOMEBODY... Didn't expect anyone to figure other the method of covert agitation being used and BECAUSE I DID this are going scorched earth on ME, EVERYONE I NAMED, EVERYONE WHO HAS MADE A SHOW ABOUT ME OR USED MY WORK, and they do it until it's clear that they aren't going speak about me publicly.
Hym "They likely pay other people to do and say the things I've said and done to deflated the value of the things I say and redirect the flow of credit. It's literally using economic warfare on speech. I tried to fucking warn you but... You know... You're a fucking retard so.... And you're ignoring the things I'm saying and delighting in my downfall BECAUSE I called you a retard. But, here we are. I was right. You were wrong. Both about whether or not your are, in fact, retarded AND THIS. Like, IT DIDN'T START WITH the government funded programs you morons. It STARTED with YOU doing what you're doing EVERY TIME YOU MAKE A REFERENCE TO ME... And now it's evolving into a full-on psy-op to LITERALLY ERASE THE GUY WHO LITERALLY CREATED A.I. And now it's coming to YOUR DOORSTEP. Did they get you irl yet? Did they get you like they got me? Just wait for it. By then it'll be too late. Allowing this for ANY REASON is ALLOWING THIS FOR ANY REASON. Enjoy being wrong shit-heads. Bet you care a whole lot about people saying nigger."
An individual who accepts their meager existence in back-offices and gray cubicle rows until they dissipate into pure anonymity but now has an insignificant title change. Frequently excreted on by the rest of the company as a human cesspool, they lurk in the hazy glow of asinine spreadsheets and fruitless excel recreation. Individuals suffering from this syndrome have been known to cope with their existence by extended lunches at ill repute bars playing buck-hunter and talking about how they are "under appreciated". Severe psychological damage and alcoholism are the most commonly experienced byproducts.
Scott B. is not management material, he had a 15 dollar break which shows how poor of a senior fund accountant he is.
And here is our back-office, they are the piece-of-shit (POS) senior fund accountants who crunch our numbers.