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Another word for Work but since you work for yourself you call itGrind

I just gotta keep grinding if I want to see my dreams!

by Creative Nes May 20, 2017


Another term for making money

When said, it makes the person saying it sound very uneducated and quite frankly stupid

Hey man, I am grinding mad money

You sound dumb as hell wtf is grind??? You're so uneducated

by Grindingisstupid October 18, 2019


To perform a repetitive action, day in and day out, to achieve a dream or goal

stay on your grind. get on your grind. i've been grinding

by bobby g booshay July 20, 2018


When a student athlete does something extra to get stronger, faster, or better.

Runner 1: Dude, do you want to do an extra mile with me?
Runner 2: Yeah sure dude, it's the griiiiind!
Runner 1: Yeah boi, lets grind.

by Mistake Break May 22, 2017


A term that people who don’t work very hard


to describe working very hard.

I be on that grind, yo!

by LilTangelo July 12, 2020

Grind By

When a guy grinds on you as they walk by.

Your're dancing in the bar/club with your girls and you're in a small area, a guy is walking by behind you and he grinds on you as he walks by. Its called a "Grind By".

by melisrae3 April 23, 2013


When you work really hard and put a lot of time towards something. Used commonly in the context of achieving a goal or object of desire, whether that be in real life, a sport, a video game, etc.

Jeff: "Nice car dude, how could you afford that?"
Mike: "Man I just been grinding for it, been working hard at it. Spent a lot of time trying to get this thing."

by suburban__dictionary March 13, 2023