Hana is such a slut and always horny
A: thats hana right?
B: omg yes i saw her sucking some guys d*** at a party yesterday
A Beautiful women with beautiful eyes and beautiful character.
Hana is the most beautiful girl in the world. She is perfect in every way and comes off as an alien or a celestial being. Don't ever piss Hana off because you'll regret it. She will choke slam you because she is also very strong. If you get blessed and get a Hana don't ever let her go!!! If you do you might as well walk into traffic because you really fumbled the greatest woman in the world .
Man 1: Hey who's that beautiful girl over there?
Man 2: That's Hana don't stare too long at her you might fall in love
Man 1: Wow honestly I am falling in love staring at her
Man 2: The last guy who lost her jumped off a building be careful