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Bluetooth Hobo

A homeless person that walks down the street talking to themselves and having very animated conversations with no identifiable person, much like somebody talking while in public on a Bluetooth headset.

Man, don't go down into the Southside, there's A LOT of Bluetooth Hobos in that area.

by VitoVane November 15, 2017

Book hobo

(verb) To hang out in a book store reading a book that you do not intend to buy. Used most commonly with manga.

(noun) One who book hoboes.

The hobo part of the term is derived from either the fact that you are mooching, you are to cheap or penniless to pay for the book, or you don't plan on giving the book a home.

Zack: So what did you do this weekend?
Hikaru: I book hoboed at Borders.
Zack: Yeah, they have a groovy manga section.

by our golden kazoo February 11, 2008

Snapchat Hobo

A Snapchat user who posts an image or a link to a product they want, but can't afford for whatever reason, and ask their friends to purchase it for them. Snapchat Hobos are typically teenagers and are not well-liked among their peers.

"Oh my God, can you believe Mackenzie is asking for drinks on her story all the time?"
"I know, she's a total Snapchat Hobo."

by javigato June 12, 2018

Hobo cracker

A man who is homeless who smokes crack with his panhandling mohey . He is funny but loud enough to be noticed by the crowd at large when he panhandles like a pro…

Bro did you see that hobo cracker pan handling around the wag ?

That hobo cracker better not be had stepping when he scores for us tonight !!!

by Heyoka October 29, 2023

Hobo Facing

To fuck someone in the face in order to give them your STD on purpose.

Guy 1: That bitch cheated on me and gave me herpes!
Guy 2: Sounds like she needs some hobo facing.
Guy 1: She bout to be hobo faced bro!

by Rammz July 30, 2012

hobo operation

Any entity that provides sub par or inconsistent services.

This pizza place is out of cheese? This is a total hobo operation!

by Greg (originally Andre) May 15, 2007

hobo gloves

gloves with the fingertips cut off. sometimes seen on hobos, bums, tramps, etc. Often home-made (or homeless made in a hobo's case) all one needs is an old pair of gloves and some scissors. Some gloves are also made without any fingertips to begin with, but they are not true hobo gloves.

I just made myself a pair of hobo gloves out of a small pair of old gloves.

by brian March 2, 2006

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