A white man who is DENCH, most likely been hitting the gym for at least 3 years until his physical appearance is similar to Donkey Kong or a big muthafucka!
Boy: Dayamnnn son, look at that honky kong on the bench press!
Boy 2: Nigguh he is bigggg!
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A really cool, popular, and sexy person. The expression stems from cool western people who liked honky tonk music during the early 1900s. The word is also referenced in Elton John’s song “Honky Cat”.
Look at that honky cat over there, he’s such a stud!
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A wild micky, can be found in Canada where sunset is to damn late. Can often be seen eating passta, and will call you a potato hater.
The Canadian honky is out during the day eating potato’s, and passta while washing it down with monster energy drinks.
A mature woman by nature, but let's loose on a roadtrip
Damn, she's a total honky vahland
When your hitting on a girl and one of your friends comes and takes her with a better pick up line than yours......
I do believe honky interception happened.
An adjective describing a woman usually older than 40 that hangs out at country bars/country music after parties looking for someone to have sex with.
Usually outdated with the times and appearing desperate and unkept.
Did you see Darlene? She bounced on my cousins cock and balls for three hours... after that Billy Ray Cyrus song got her all hot and bothered, what a Honky Twat!!!
A white boy or man, usually with blonde hair and blue eyes, who dresses in traditional gangsta garb popularised by rap videos. Often seen strutting around with an exagerated gangster swagger, with one pant leg rolled up, and a hat to the side. Often seen in high-schools. Sometimes sport really bad tattoos.
See also wannabe, wigger.
Melvin used to be cool, but now he's a honky-G, calling his girlfriend his "bitch", selling Soma and walking all ridiculous, like he was in a Trick Daddy video.
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