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A person (usually someone who identifies as a male), that is extremely rude to everyone and thinks making fun of minorities is cool (they’re wrong but they don’t know that). Also a type of person that is very hard/ impossible to educate on certain matters.

“that guys is a total incel, can’t even have a normal debate with the dude.”

by J....... November 24, 2020

2👍 9👎


Misogynistic vermin who blame women and sexually active men for their "Involuntary Celibacy".

Incels hate women because they won't have sex with them

by Falcon Takanashi December 17, 2021

3👍 18👎


Incel (involuntarily celibate) Someone that's unable to have sex when they want to, or unable to be in a long term intimate relationship for whoever would even want to be in the 21st century.

Can describe a woman but mostly means, "all men" in the sexual sense, anyway.

Half of the internet is porn with a gazillion views for each video. If the average man isn't an incel, I don't know who is. An incel isn't always just a freak of nature.

"Incels" get a bad rap but they're often no different than any other man, except that they speak up about it. Most men don't want to reveal how "pathetic" they themselves are because society judges men by how much sex men have, as well as nature does, which makes men judge women.

Most men that aren't branded as incels either lie that they have sex more than they really do, or men won't openly talk about sex too much, or they'll exchange advice with each other on how to try to make sex happen.

By today's definition all husbands were "rapists" in the past, yet women were raised to be sexually accommodating. Men today are sexually suppressed.

Most/all men today are incels in the sexual sense, unless perhaps they're rich. A magical, sexy and sustainable game show host personality is unrealistic. Maybe 5% of the male population is an Adonis. Most complaints from married men/divorcees revolve around their wives/ex-wives being nags/controlling, legal liabilities, money issues, and not enough or no sex at all, yet they aren't branded as incels.

Most/all "men" are "incels" - just some men are bigger incels than others.

by TruthWheels February 7, 2022

1👍 3👎


a gorgeous handsome amazing extremely famous person whoses taste is amazing lovely and yes

tiktoker 1: have you seen incels? they’re posts are so cool!
tiktoker 2: of course i have! they’re posts are the coolest!!

by jvp1j3r/jupiter March 16, 2021

5👍 42👎

Incel creche

An incel creche is any online space populated almost entirely by incels, where they can hang out to chat, and feel safe to be their true selves, trade in-jokes and outrage, and to be free from any risk of challenging ideas or criticism.

If you're in-game chat stream is full of bile such as tirades against minority representation, rants that diversity is destoying gaming, homophobic slurs, or outrage at the "woke nonsense" that results ina having a female NPC in a non-sexual role, then you may have accidentally wandered into the incel creche.

"Yeah, I was watching Michael does Life's live stream of Gamescom, but had to kill the live chat - when the Call of Duty preview showed that female sniper it was clear from the misogynistic ranting that I'd stumbled into the incel creche"

by RobertAntonWilson August 28, 2021

1138👍 3👎


A word used to describe Men who have an internal struggle between their incessant need to have sex with a woman, and their virulent misogyny.

Wow! There sure are a lot of Incels posting on here!

by JohnfettWOF January 30, 2022

2👍 14👎

car incel

Somebody who spends all of their time driving around in a car and playing Pokemon Go. They are usually too fat to walk. Their only joy in life comes from feeling like they are accomplished in a game about walking.

Whenever my kids try to play Pokemon Go at the park, a car shows up and the gym is taken by TommLe6969 and SilverSnailR. Wow, those people are hardcore car incels.

by Ja3esBatta September 7, 2022

52👍 2👎