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Indiana implants

These are a substitution for breast implants in wich the user stuffs her bra with tissues.

Although Vickie was relatively flat-chested, she used the temporary fix of Indiana implants, courtesy of Kleenex. It even gave the illusion of cleavage.

by Nora O'Shaughnessy January 24, 2007

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Gary, Indiana

Gary is a town in NW Indiana named after the founding chairman of U.S. steel, Elbert H. Gary. It was once a nice middle class town with many steel mills and small businesses but ran downhill mainly because of urban decay. Now it has a 25% poverty rate and more than twice as much crime as the US average. Many great people are from Gary, such as the Jackson family, many NFL stars, aswell as actors. Now, Gary remains little more than a poor derelict city. If you happen to drive through Gary, you will notice that it looks more like a post apocalyptic town. NWI locals generally give it the nickname "Scary, Indiana."

You can't drive through Gary, Indiana without seeing bars on windows.

by Jag140 August 6, 2011

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Highland, Indiana

A town in northwest Indiana or "the region" that is in between Munster, Indiana and Griffith, Indiana. It is about 40 minutes from Chicago. It is a very middle-class town with a couple upper middle-class areas. It has slightly above mediocre schools and slightly above mediocre people. The town used to be Munster's rival in everything, but as Highland's talent went down in just about everything, Munster decided to divert their energy and talent to more worthwhile rivals like Lake Central and Crown Point. Highland is left to rival Hammond and Griffith which is not really saying much of anything. This town is known for being the town that stole all the good stores from Hammond because Hammond started to become ghetto. Every average store (like Target, Kohl's, Border's, Meijer, Best Buy, Dick's, Marshalls, etc.) you can find in Highland. That is pretty much all the town is good for. It is basically the Ford Taurus of suburbs: BORING.

Girl 1: Highland, Indiana is the most boring place ever! Nothing ever happens.

Girl 2: Want to pretend to be rich and go to Munster?

Girl 1: No, I'd rather pretend to be poor and go to Gary.

Girl 2: Awesome! Let me start the Taurus.

by uknowme125521 February 22, 2011

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Indiana Weather

term used to describe weather patterns that go from 70 degrees one day, then all the way down to 30 degrees and frost. followed by tornados and hail

John, "Dude, can you believe this weather?!?"
Steve, "I know man! its some serious indiana weather shit!"

by tickel me elmo November 26, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chesterton, Indiana

Chesterton is located in Northwest Indiana. Home of a kick ass swim team that always beats the skanks and douches at munster. The swim team has 15 straight conference wins, 12 straight sectional wins, 2 state titles soon to be 2 more due to the large freshman class that came in 2010. Go trojans!!!!

Chesterton, Indiana, home of a more premier swim program that beats munsters "premier" program.

by Trojan-territory November 22, 2011

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Avon, Indiana

A west suburb of Indianapolis that is basically a much smaller, but growing, combination of Carmel, Indiana and Greenwood, Indiana.

I am wealthy. I don't want to move to Carmel because they are all too snobby and I do not want to move to Greenwood because they are not snobby enough. I guess I will move to Avon, Indiana to balance things out.

by westsideINDY March 26, 2011

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Newburgh, Indiana

1- A place where middle-aged caucasions move to raise children. This is due to the fact that nothing ever happens that would be of any interest, there is no diversity other than German or Sweedish, and the police have nothing better to do than arrest 17 year-olds for carrying ciggarettes (or other things of this nature).

2- A village of alcoholics.

"Are you gonna go hang out in Newburgh, Indiana tonight?"
"Fuck no. Why?"

by WannaBeIdina July 17, 2008

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