When you spend an excessive amount of time with one person with obvious attractive or unattractive qualities.
"I need a break since I've been (insert name here)-ing the whole weekend. All she does is talk about her cats."
I'm in a good mood, since I've been (insert name here)-ing today. He's such an optimistic guy."
2👍 5👎
When a person continually fucks up at the same thing in the same way so much so that the act of fucking it up becomes known as a Special. When a another person makes the same fuck up as the originator, that act can then be known as "Insert Originators Full Name" Special.
Insult to injury is added if originator is in same room when term is used on someone.
e.g of "Insert Persons Full Name" Special.
Alan & Dave driving to another town
Alan "Jimmy always get lost driving"
Dave "Now im fucking lost"
Alan "Yeah you done a Jimmy Smith Special"
Dave "Shit"
When you have had WAY to much of a person, place or thing.
All (Insert word)-ED Out examples: (they have example words in them.)
1. Person: "I've been all John-ed out this weekend. I saw him like everyday!"
2. Place: "I'm all McDonald's-ed out. I've had it everyday for a week."
3. Thing: "I'm going to be all light-ed out tomorrow. I'm covering my whole house with them."
1. Great way to confuse people when yelled randomly with someones name in front of it
2. A way to get that persons attention, and attempted them to do it
Example 1: (Insert name) Jerk Me Off!
Tia - How are you doing today?
Dan - Pretty good, you?
Tia - not bad
Steve - Tia, Jerk Me Off!
Example 2: (Insert name) Jerk Me Off!
Eli - Hey you
Sarah - me?
Eli - Yeah
Sarah - What do you want?
Eli - Sarah, Jerk Me Off!
30👍 14👎
Any word that might be considered offensive, politically incorrect, or triggering.
You can't say insert politically incorrect word here that's offensive.
11👍 3👎
Basically a phrase meant to piss people off. If you think about it, many words can fit between "U" and "BRO?", with the most common outcome of "UMADBRO?", indeed one of the most annoying phrases in history. Women may be offended by this, most likely due because they are not male, however if you ask something like say "UMADSIS?" it just wouldn´t sound right. Be advised to use "BRO?" instead of "SIS?" to prevent yourself from looking like a total dickhead.
John smells something coming from the bathroom. He knocks on the door.
Sarah: I´ll be out in a minute!
Sarah: What the fuck?!
Mike: The only thing left to watch is Jersey Shore
John: Uh huh
Mike: I got to admit Pauly is cute
Liz: My dog died
John: Feel sorry for ya
Liz starts crying.
Try to make up your own combinations with U‹Insert word(s)›BRO?, but use it in appropiate situations, like the ones above.
10👍 4👎
Use pin pad to complete transaction
I got P.T.S.D. form "Insert cash or select payment type"