KK. A statement of acknowledgment.
A satirical way of destroying the use of the Klu Klucks Klan.
"I have to use the bathroom, brb". "KK".
A spicy Latina who will wink and use eyebrow movement to seduce and entice you. Her eyes carry a spell that no man or woman can resist.
That girl has KK powers as she looked at me across the bar.
KK stands for Kiss Kiss a term mostly used by a madeleine or a julia. a funky and hip abbreviation, used by many people in the sweet state of hometown alabamama.
Kiss kiss! or should i say... KK!
Madeleine: Hey Julia!
Julia: Madeleine hey! your new pants are so cool! KK
Is worse than you in every conceivable way though. In what way has he 'gotten better?' What? In some nebulous, abstract, way he has improved, but, OH! Wait! Look at pictures of him from 10 years ago. What has improved? I mean, he has more money now but that isn't him improving in any way.
Hym "Waitwaitwait... Let me guess... He's 'more attentive to his family' or something, right? He's receded further into solipsism. That's the improvement. He does some workout that doesn't result in him having a better or even comparable physical appearance to you but it ALLOWS HIM to SAY that he works out. Because you don't actually have to get significant results. Like sex, you're just doing it to say that you're doing it. He gets to remain the reptilian, scrawny, retard-adjacent sack of shit that he is... And then he gives himself an out, he also doesn't have to give a shit about other people now... But we DEFINITELY have to care about he kids getting molested. ALL of us. No, if we're in a tribe... And 10 of us go out war... And HE ALONE returns... We're still fucked. There is no group of 10 women who are going to fuck that guy willingly in an environment that's devoid of an imaginary modern status hierarchy. And I can't even imagine what the incest-kids will look like after a couple of generations. Right? Because he already looks like Sal from Monsters Inc. So, he breeds all 10 women, the kids come out as these deformed lizardmen, who do the kids fuck? Eachother? That's incest. His 'The Hills Have Eyes' incest tribe doesn't sound like it works out too well over time."
Iam "Pronounced 'Kay-Kay.' 'Kk' is a jovial way of saying 'Ok'in text. Example: 'Alright. I'm jist going to hop in the show quick and I'll head over in 30.' 'Kk.' "
i love you, usually used in front of other people so that only your beloved can understand
The ship name for TKH and KTKT. Please go there if you need any help either medically, or in ur love life.
I have an appointment at kk hospital later to see a therapist for my love life.