Hobos Lunchbox:
Eating a girl out when she hasnt showered in a couple days when her crotch smells like piss and shit and hot sweaty fish found in a dumpster.
I went camping with my girlfriend last weekend. I was in the mood for fish tacos but ended up getting a hobo's lunchbox.
Used tampon receptacle in female bathroom,
eg at school or office or public restroom
Just got an eye full of Dracula's lunchbox in the girls dunnies.
Pour about a half cup of Tennessee Whiskey or Moonshine on to your partner's Vagina and proceed to "eat your lunch".
Dude, you gave her a Tennessee Lunchbox after the show?
When a girl rides your face so hard it warms up all your face “meat” just like the Mongolians did with their beef. AMEN
Hey baby doll why don’t you come over here and get yourself a Mongolian Lunchbox!
A Devil's Lunchbox is when a man has sex with a girl and her mom
I just had a Devil's Lunchbox with that t.h.o.t and milf!
A very uncomfortable shell. Checking out your own belongings in a group of people and shielding them the whole time.
He was counting his lettuce, sitting there, and felt awfully lunchboxed by that smartassy kid.
When you stack two “lady boys” on top of one another, make devil horns with a hand (pinky and index finger), and finger bang their assholes like two chopsticks.
I was so drunk in Bangkok that I thought I was taking two girls back to my hotel room, but I ended giving them a Thai Lunchbox and sent them on their way.