Source Code

suk mah peen

To suck a person peen (penis)

suk mah peen!!!!11

by Brodie April 22, 2004

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totez mah goatz

"Totez mah goatz" is a commonly used phrase among the teens of Amurica. It means that you are in agreement with what the other person said. Trust me, you should say it any time you get the chance, it's definitely A THING.

Ellie: Do like Kirsten?
Mariah: Totez mah goatz! She is the coolest thing since sliced bread!
Cynthia: I agree.

by Not Kirsten February 7, 2013

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

suck mah d

the definition of suck mah d means for one to get down on their knees and suck one's d (dick). Suck mah d can either be feminine or masculine. You can say suck mah d in most context's either when your pissed of or when someone is being a douche bag. Suck mah d can also be a spur of the moment kind of saying, kind of like hello or goodbye.

Boss: Hey you, know your role!
Employee: Well how about you suck mah d!

Person 1: "Exscuse me I need to get by"
Person 2: "Suck mah d bitch"

Person 1:"Hey whats up"
Person 2: "Suck mah d"

Person 1: "You are very hostile"
PersoN 2: "Shut it or suck mah d

by Samantha c September 21, 2006

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Oh Mah Gee

slang for "Oh my God!" or "That's Awesome!"

(quarter back making an 80-yard touchdown pass to the team you're rooting for)


by tyler magee November 20, 2004

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nut in mah butt

to bust a HUGE nut inside a bids butt hole.

guy- oh wussup mami
girl- hey ray ray.
guy- u wanna get outta here.... i brought a rubber!!!
girl- NO WAY! mah asshole still be hurtin from the last time u nut in mah butt.
guy- o iight den. ill just squirt on ur shirt
girl- ok ray ray.

by pdubz the BEAST February 29, 2008

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Kali Mah

When you see your friend raising his hand in the air.....prepairing to swoop it down strait into the girls pussy and begin to finger her. Also known as pulling a Kyle Carder

Last night Wells and I saw Carder pull a Kali Mah on (insert girls name). He totally called it out!

by kingcuntkilla' October 3, 2011

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mah phat willay

Basically, it's the way Shrek says "my fat willy" (aka: his big thicc green ogre hard-on)

Describes the length and thicc girth of one's dong. (picture a hockey puck, but longer, and thicker)

Shrek: "Aye Fiona, come souk mah phat willay."
Fiona: "Nah nigga u gay, go fuck Donkey."
Shrek: "...but his booner smells like ass"

by get_it July 30, 2019