A place you go to get your heart broken, dreams crushed, and are surrounded by FAKES. Basically you'll want to commit suicide. FUN.
6th Grade- Your short and a nerd and all the other grades make fun of you because thats what happened to them.
7th Grade- Still nerdy, but you are starting to find yourself but tend to become MAJORLY deppressed during this time.
8th Grade- BEST YEAR. You're the oldest and even though you still have shit going on, you find out whos fake and who your real friends are and are actually happy.
Middle School made many of my friends cut themselves. How nice.
42๐ 9๐
verb (middle-naming, middle-named)
used to describe the act of calling someone by their first and second names, usually to repremand them.
Did you get in trouble for last night?
Yeah, I even got middle-named.
41๐ 12๐
A place where you are unwillingly sent to, to be ripped apart by your equals.
The first few weeks are fine but by december you want to go to sleep and see infinite nothingness
Your teachers will give you a crap ton of 3-hour long homework, tell you its not bad, and get mad if you don't do it
Your peers from elementary school all change. Some get mean, some get new friends and ditch you, and some give out all your secrets and talk about you behind your back.
The Average middle school "Relationship" Lasts 2 weeks to a month.
Lunch WOULD be the only good time if teachers didn't stalk you in the lunch room.
You are forced to read boring books like "The Prince and the Pauper" and "The Giver"
Everyone is a jerk.
Drama is in every damn locker.
If you're lucky you become an outcast in middle school and don't have to deal with half of this.
Anon1: Man i wish i was anon
Anon2: Why do you want to be anon
Anon1: hes an outcast he doesnt have to deal with this Middle School drama
Anon2: ;-;
11๐ 1๐
Is the least favorite child. Only acknowledged for their miss deeds. Holds all potential but is still overshadowed by the youngest and oldest child.
Middle child: Could you pass the-
Youngest child: Today I saw a cool car.
12๐ 1๐
A place where kids go expecting to rule the school, but realize you just are another face and black girls will NOT hesitate to punch you dead in the face.
You usually face 10 times more drama than you need to because everyone in middle school are either immature little punks who think they're cool cause they smoke/drink or immature little smart asses.
If you're in middle school expect to lose a lot of friends and attempt to make new ones.
But believe me when I say that if you even TRY to be popular, cute, steal some chicks boyfriend, or be cuter than the upperclassmen you will be hated.
You're not cooler. But it's not like you're gonna get punched if you accidentally bump into someone.
The ONLY way to get through is to be you..
as you're walking through the halls of middle school, you bump into black person
You: Oh excuse me, sorry.
Black person:*gives dirty look* mmmmhm
88๐ 23๐
Middle school is the worst time of your life. You get detention for not showing your retarded work. Everyone has their gay "cliques". Everyone picks on you cause you arent "cool". You get in trouble for messing with a stupid metal lock thing at the lunch table. All of the girls turn into stuck up sluts. You get 5 hours of homework every night. Everyone thinks they are better than everyone else. In other words, middle school is hell
5th grader: "Dude, middle school is going to be awesome!!!"
7th grader: "Think again."
166๐ 49๐
To orally or manually stimulate the clitoris. This is inspired by the anatomy of the vagina as the clitoris is nicely situated between the labia, or in the middle of the labia. Hence the phrase.. " work the middle". We have American pop artist "Allyah" to thank for this public service announcement/song that brought so much awareness to often forgotten and ignored lady parts. The phrase was originally coined in Allyahs hit song " Rock the Boat".
Baby, work the middle so i can cum quicker.
20๐ 5๐