When you superglue a sleeping persons hand to your Penis and then slap them in the face to wake them up. their struggle to remove their hand ends up in ejaculation, just before which you shout 'finish him'
Guy 1 - Dude, I gave my step sis the Mortal kombat. She was not impressed. . . .
Guy 2 - what did she say?
Guy 1 'how did you get in here'
Guy 2 - where was she?
Guy 1 - coming round from her gender reassignment . . . .
A slang term, for Government issue boots or combat boots.
The nigga wearing mortal kombat boots, he gonna kick in your door!
The Zero Mortal Plan is the way Zamasu and Goku Black will kill all mortals in order to create an utopia, a world with nothing more than immortal beings.
"The Zero Mortal Plan starts today!"
A divine project planned by Zamasu and Goku Black (Zamasu from another timeline who switched bodies) which consists in the erradication of all mortal beings in all timelines to create an utopia of godly immortal beings.
"The Zero Mortal Plan starts today!"
meaning: a living thing that can die
immortal: shut up stupid mortal
mortal: fuc-