The jelly munchkin is the same thing as a jelly doughnut except it is done with a midget.
Hey Mike, Todd did the jelly munchkin with little sally
The act of anally inflating an irish midget with hyena semen (LIVE SEMEN.), meanwhile an apprentice defecates on said midget’s face.
Josh: see that midget over there?
frank: yeah, why?
josh: i gave em a Dutch Munchkin
frank: what the fuck josh
For a detailed explanation, speak with Jackson Jarvis.
Typically the type of geeza who puts ketchup on a wagyu steak.
Yet to experience the wonders of Korean BBQ.
Not a fan of beetroot on burgers.
That guy has a munchkin palate
niggers, black niggas of dookie sludge fun
That nigger over there is really slurping hay sludge(shit) or Ass Muncher/Munchkins.
Refers to an old stripper who likes it rough and without lube (rusty) (munchkin) old but she ain't afraid to do no positions eigther cuz she's super flexible and longable
Person 1:Me and Trevor are going down to the whore house to try and get a rusty munchkin
Person 2:Nah mate that's dirty
Person 1:I like um old and maluable