This name basically depicts Bantu of the Earth
The Earth consists of some dhyamna people like Manas
The CEO of ARC (Animal Rapist Chengappas)
Oh look it's manas. Look at the way he is fucking that raccoon.
Man with a beautiful heart, Heart intellect
Manas is a fearless and a handsome person.
Mind, Soul, Brilliant, Spiritual thought, Heart intellect, Desire, Human being, Latin Manus is translated as hand, Insight, Cheerfulness, Mind, Wise, Powers.In Indian philosophy, the human “mind,” that faculty which coordinates sensory impressions before they are presented to the consciousness. You've known him your whole life but never realized how hot hes become. and when you finally come around hes already there, waiting to love you. he will become one of your best friends. the kind of friend that you can go so long without seeing but its like you were never apart. you just want to make him yours before someone else does. he loves to the fullest. and he has awesome hair.
Manas is in love.
A person whose actions and opinions strongly influence the course of events, Someone with beautiful mind and heart, Pure Soul
Energy of Mind
His manas energy can make a big difference.
A incredibly kind and understanding friend . Sometimes makes incredibly DAD dad jokes , so bad they're funny . Can look harmless but is definitely planning your detailed and painful demise if you mess with loved ones . Makes the best partner in crime . And kind of an coffee addict .....