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A thing that fat women with buzz cuts say because they are too bitchy to say they are female/male and make you use other pronouns

Mr. House, the obese Non-Binary PE teacher told us to say they/them or he will murder you.

by ChickenChocker69 February 1, 2024

Non Binary

A term, used by people as an excuse for their dull personality.

"I am a non binary person."

"Oh, so you are an extremely annoying person .'

by BADBOY17Watchdog November 28, 2023


A person who doesn’t identify as a female or male, using they/them pronouns

Person 1:omg I love her outfit

Person 2: they are not a girl

Person1: what do you mean

Person2: they identify as a non-binary person
Person1: ohhh that’s cool! I still really like their outfit!

by Dak0t4xo.com June 15, 2022


A confused 15 year old

Person: mom. I think I’m non-binary.
Mom: What The Fuck Are You Talking About

by nev!! January 21, 2024

Non binary

Liv guerra

Liv guerra is non binary

by Rawr12573 October 23, 2020

Non binary

Liv guerra

Liv guerra is non binary

by Rawr12573 October 23, 2020


the act of wearing women's pants.

"im feeling sooo non-binary now that I have put on women's pants"

by nicki meningitis February 27, 2023

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