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Giving Mitch

A term for Oral Sex. Unlike giving head it refers to both genders.

"Hey Jackson, Paul was telling me how he picked up this girl last night and she gave him Mitch. He said he was Giving Mitch to her for like an Hour. He is such a playa"

by Peter Kings February 27, 2010


A Seattle phenomenon where orphans gather to partake in Thanksgiving dinner and consume large amounts of alcohol, in an effort to become obese and intoxicated. Named for its primary location on MONroe Street.

See you at Mon-giving!

by MonMaster November 4, 2010

Giving Beta

Giving instruction or advice to aid in the completion of a complex task. Usually associated with rock climbing and information concerning the best way to approach routes.

After giving beta I helped that guy flash a really gnarly route.

by Cygnus_43 September 19, 2018

It's giving crumbs

When you or someone tries too hard to be relatable. Misuse of slang when they believe they are correct but are not. The best compliment you can give someone after "You thought you ate".

Friend 1: "Hey, that's so fetch that it's giving me every flavor, Yeet ."
Friend 2: "Wtf are you saying? That doesn't make any sense. It's giving crumbs"

by randomblueberry November 28, 2022

Giving Lewandowski

Licking a dogs asshole while ferociously masturbating.

I once walked in on @CLewandowski_ licking a dogs asshole while ferociously masturbating. That’s why eating dog ass is called β€œgiving Lewandowski.”

by Daemien Moo June 22, 2018

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

give head

Either to perform fellatio on a male, or cunnilingus on a female.

Bill: Kathy gave me head yesterday.
Kathy: Bill gave me head yesterday.

by FinnishPunk June 6, 2004

1210πŸ‘ 582πŸ‘Ž

giving ass

The act of being voluntarily submissive, usually in a sexual context, but may also be used in a social or business context for being dominated.

Sexual: Among the things she is really good at is giving ass
Social: He's in there with the boss giving ass.

by Euripedes August 12, 2008

26πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž