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nu metal

bands that need at least 25 people to do half as much as great thrash metal bands such as slayer, metallica, megadeth, etc.

nu metal is pathetic, mainly because the highlight of a metal song is the solo and, alas, no solo, because they are commercially owned talentless fuckwads.

by kankies October 4, 2005

29๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

nu metal

A form of music. It combines metal, alternative, hip-hop, and various other things to create what is in large part talentless garbage. With the exceptions of a few decent listenable bands(Deftones, Korn, Chevelle, System of a Down, Slipknot) is pretty much complete shit. 99% of these bands put too much effort into their look, repetitive angsty lyrics that have no substance, talentless dropped-D,Db,C,etc tunings, shit drumming, turntables, rapping, and being accepted with the norm. These bands also have talentless guitar parts which if listened to more than twice could actually destroy nerves in your brain. The few good bands in this genre defy some of the rules of numetal and aviod sounding like everyone else. However others are repetitive, sound like everyone else, and basically can corrupt your soul. The people who listen to it are mainly kids who live life fine yet act pissed off and "relate to" the garbage lyrics of it(which all sound the same and are all about hating people for some stupid reason). They buy chains and clothes from Hot Topic, and aviod true metal at all costs, believing that they are "hardcore" by listening to dumbass Disturbed-like bands. While true metalheads listen to actual talent(Slayer, 80's Metallica possibly including the Black Album and less likely including Load+ReLoad, Megadeth, Anthrax, Testament, Dream Theater, Pantera, all bands with great talent and unique qualities). While some numetal is decent, possibly even good material, it cannot be taken extremely seriously or the evil of the bad numetal might take your innocent life.

Dumbass: What kind of music you listen to?
Me: Mostly Metal, but I like Rock too.
Dumbass: Yea Metal is great, i listen to Korn, Slipknot and Disturbed.
Me: They are numetal you know, although Korn and Slipknot are alright
Dumbass: Yea its so heavy and they are so great and talented
Me: Listen to a fuckin Pantera record retard.

by Ribbitman January 31, 2005

25๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

nu metal

An often misdefined sub genre of metal. Nu Metal involves rapping, scratching and simple yet heavily distorted guitar work. People often mix up "Nu Metal" with "New Metal" Nu Metal is rap with guitars. New Metal is the metal that most younger metal bands are bringing out. New Metal isn't bad, its just the evolutionary path that metal has taken. Nu Metal however is close to dead, as most Nu Metal bands have either moved onto rap or progressed into New Metal

Limp Bizkit
Linkin Park

Killswitch Engage
Ill Nino
40 Below Summer
Drowning Pool

by trav_7 October 11, 2005

17๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nu Metal

Dear god how prejudice are you people...
First off bands like metallica, and iron maiden are not nu metal. Now I will say something and be least offencive as possible.
Nu Metal has become really really mainstream and i understand why most of it is hated. Yes it is very popular among the youth but some adults like me enjoy it as well. Bands such as static-x dont bring that "My parents hate me shit" into it. And what you people have done to this genre is what i could do with whatever shit you listen to. So stop being so prejudice and if you dont like it shut the fuck up unless your asked your opinion.

Bands that use control over vocal screams unlike black metal which all the vocalists sound like the vocalist to lamb of god.
Black metal = Americanised Death Metal
Real Death Metal is found in europe but the bands are too crazy to be let loose in america.
See my point about prejudice?

by My_Damnation July 28, 2005

21๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nu metal

The new wave of musicians who grew up listening to 70's and 80's metal. The new metal bands have thir roots in old metal but use other techniques to produce a new sound. for example many nu metal bands use sampling, rap-like lyrics,low pitch, the list goes on and its diffrent for each nu metal band.

Nu metal had sucess in the late 90's (even thought it existed as early as 1991) but now people have turned on nu metal and it has fallen out of favor.

Many fans of the old metal cant accept the evolution of their genre. People also dont like nu metal because it was used as just another fad and once a fad is over everyone hates it.

But nu metal lives on. Thier are only th loyalest fans left and we wont stop listening to what we like to listen to because you dont like it.

their are many nu metal bands but the best and most popular are: Korn, slipknot,Limp Bizkit, P.O.D., System of a Down, Linkin Park, Disturbed, Powerman 5000, Rage Aginst the Machine, and Godsmack. (yes Godsmack they aren't old metal). Their are many more.

by Havoc March 12, 2005

36๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nu Metal

A genre of music that is rejected by metal elitists and is labeled "poser metal" or "mallcore". Even though a lot of the bands in this genre are terrible, a couple bands like static x or slipknot are decent.

"Nu metal is for posers."

by randomguy1999 January 11, 2016


Nu-Metal (also called neo-metal, aggro-rock) is a subgenre of heavy metal. It evolved from alternative metal and eventually became it's own subgenre in the mid to late 90s. It includes many artists such as Korn, Slipknot and Disturbed in their first work, The Sickness (although, David Draiman has stated in an interview he felt it sounded more like reggae metal, similar to Skindred.) and lesser known bands such as Coal Chamber, Flaw and Sevendust. The genre itself receives unwarranted and unneeded bashing and criticism from say, thrashers and brutal death metalers, and then again from whiny teen fags that listen to one direction or whatever. They seem to forget that these artists were pioneers that came up with a new musical genre. What have your artists done? Recreated something done how many times? Nu-Metal is an excellent example of vocal and instrumental talent (excluding fred durst. He has no perceivable talent of which to speak, coming from a true nu-metal fan.) Its quite fun to listen to and it doesn't deserve the bashing and wrinkling of noses whenever its name is mentioned. I can guarantee that when you were you an angsty teen, you had a korn poster in your bedroom, or a copy of the slipknot debut in your room. The whole musical world respect Korn For ushering in a completely new genre, me personally, I think that that's worth something.

Gary: Did you listen to the korn self titled?
Sean: Yeah! I was headbangin in my sleep! Perfect example of nu-metal gone right!
Gary: don't listen to limp bizkit, they'll turn you right off of it. fred fuckin durst...
Sean: what a fuckin douchebag..

by clammyhxnds March 9, 2015