Fake shoes that come from flea markets or other shady dealings. A play on the shoe brand "Phat Farms." There are actually shoes that flip the P logo upside down making appear to be a Q.
"Yo nice Quack Farms. What flea market they come from."
"I was going to buy a pair of shoes until I realized they were Quack Farms."
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A cluster of cubicles in an office. From the top down, they look like an art farm or bee nest, hiving productive little workers into their cells.
I'm glad I have my own office now, escaping the dreaded cube farm.
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the act of planting and harvesting retards
oh man look at those retards!
yeah they probably came from tom's retard farm.
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Refers to black people back in the slavery days as tools for the white man.
When I was with Patrick and Amber at the county fair, we saw a ton of farm equipment walking around.
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A monotonous office environment characterized by approximately 3.3 walls, no doors and ceilings in attempt to make you feel like you have private space. Generally white-collar drones wandering off (mentally) in hope of making it through the week without aggravating the farmer (boss).
John found his mind wandering to the hot girl down the row in the cubicle farm.
An insult used by elder scrolls fans to refer to argonians and Khajiit. A reference to the fact they're used as slaves by dunmer
I won't read the lusty argonian Maid, I'm not into farm tools
A slang term used to represent many farms in which animals,(cows, pigs, chickens) are treated unfairly and with unusual punishment. Many farms are defined as Factory Farms as they raise meat "unfairly."
I'm pretty sure the farm down the street is a Factory Farm though I'm not sure.