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A common person who is slightly below average in everything he/she does except worshipping the devil.

Why don’t you hurry up and leave faster pleb!

by POWERBUNNY1296 May 24, 2018


A pleb: Someone who chooses Fortnite over Minecraft

''You pleb''

by Candleliqht August 4, 2019


A screw up,or a loser

Bowen is a pleb everyone hates him and he plays yugio in 6th grade

by Lilwboy June 2, 2017


ur mum

ur mum isa pleb

by imtrashforyourmom February 12, 2018


A lazy, unmotivated, useless person

I'm such a pleb when I'm hungover

by Kacey McSkerbington Smith December 12, 2016


Stupid or derpy human who is bad at everything

You pleb

by Boiled potato October 6, 2022


1. An derogatory term used to describe someone with lazy behavior and baby-face-like characteristics such as drooling and abstract view.

2. Someone that is normal with no weird and abnormal characteristics.

The president is such a pleb!

by montyBabinotis November 1, 2022