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Bakugo Poster Incident

The Bakugo Poster Incident refers to a TikTok of a girl smearing her USED TAMPON‼️‼️ over a poster of Bakugo from MHA. it’s really gross don’t look it up 🙁

Person A: “yo you ever heard of the Bakugo Poster Incident”
Person B: “oh my god yeah it’s so gross…it’s why I ended up leaving the MHA fandom

by just another anon👁️ July 2, 2024

Poster child

1. In legal terms a minor that is on an ad, poster or other advertisement thing.
2. Someone that is known for something

1. "You have to pay poster children more money the longer they are on"
2. "Sailor moon is the poster child of anime"

by 459395 May 14, 2023

Poster Child

What you should be calling millennials, the only generation who refuses to grow the freak up.

Be warned: never tell them they’re old, unless you have a death wish 😃👍

“That Kelsey is being way to modest, because she didn’t mention to you that she is the poster child for hatred, stupidity, the cancel culture, the misguided, and the truly hateful” - from whatever her name is who basically described all you need to know about millennials in a sentence.

by Your local Gen Z February 24, 2021

Habitual posters

People who have nothing really to say however; they cannot control when, where and how they post on social media. This list includes liars, repost artists* (see definition) and general posers.


1)your on instagram and your people's never like anything but they post a hundred posts that everyone's seen already back to back. (Within a 15min period)

2)these cats never post anything they've actually created. YOU WILL NEVER SEE THEM POST ANYTHING ORIGINAL.

*ill explain repost artists on a further date

Yo these habitual posters are annoying beyond belief bro 🤦🏻 ♂️

by Tboogie131 September 5, 2017