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The most majestic thing ever known to man


by PotatoTaterbear November 26, 2017


This is the best word to confuse people with

I sent my coach an email of just the word potato

by potato lover 1 September 15, 2018


a beautiful and sacred food. also your face

I will perform a ritual with the trolli and potato

by trollibobobobbb6666 March 15, 2018


A person (typically a single girl) who is trying to be relatable by saying they are "awkward" and/or "undesirable" by others attractively. This is almost always used as humor, after an awkward moment or joke, someone would call themselves a potato.

"I so look like a potato, I'm gonna be single for life."

by Hewwo Darknesh Mah Owd Fwiend March 13, 2018


The meaning of life

Potato is the meaning of life

by Ghost*Writer September 10, 2022


a thing that all must hail to for this is a god

Man: Look! It's potato!
Bobby: All Hail Potato!

by Temmie66667 April 15, 2020


Eat a person, they die, eat a potato, it dies

Friends are like potatoes, when you eat them, they die

by CrakHed57 November 24, 2020