Fat,, carries sandwich in pocket, sonic main, bottom loves DB but a side affect of no life
Relax likes sandwiches
Stop or chill out. Used when someone’s annoying (in Toronto)
Okay bro relax for fuck sake
Word made by lavish sensational hammond for when people get a lil to hype for your liking so you gotta let them know what it is
Yo you gotta Relax wit calling me guppy in public
The reply process of blaming someone from the CIS region for something.
"Hey, stop cheating blyat!" - ''guys relax''
"Relax, what's done is done"
"Relax, what's done is done"
relaxed Dawah is when Giving "Dawah" from the root word "Dawah" which basically just means to preach in a wonderful and calm manner, however a known area for this is "discord" where The owner is Za warudo of the community whom he was fans such as mariam,cyclone,Sheraz whom, are trying to persuade za into downloading minecraft and playing with them based.
Its za! the owner of relaxed dawah
yo its za's admin and one of his mods
Za warudo has a good watch and a good cap
zas got a lit discord server
Did you know za is the owner of Relaxed Dawah?