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Scene Kid

A scene kid is most likey someone with bitchin hair.They wear tight clothes and are mistaken for emo.Most have up to at least 2 diff. colored hair.For male scene kids,they usually have black.MOST scene kids have little spikes at the back of theyre hair.<male and feamale> Both genders also wear tight clothes and have HUGE glasses. GUYS ARE USUALLY MISTAKEN FOR HOMOSEXUALS DO TO THE STRAITNED HAIR AND EYELINER.MOST ARE.

d00d..i bleached the bottom of my hair blonde and i have a HUGE bow in it..am i a scene kid yet??

by OphirA October 31, 2005

70๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene kids

boy: borrowed sisters skinny jeans, usually ugly, wears makeup, trys to borrow the emo and punk look, claims their hardcore, thinks their individuals (but their not), and sometimes wears black nerd glasses. can be seen at thrift stores, hot topic, and malls. they can be heard saying that their poor (but their parents are rich) and their emo. CAN BE MISTAKEN FOR A GAY PERSON

girl: uses same skinny jeans as male counterparts, usually hot, wears loads of makeup, claims their hardcore, thinks their individauls, and usually have hair dyed with random colors. Can be seen at Hot Topic, thrift stores, malls, rap concerts, and trying to be emo. cannot be mistaken for a lesbian.

Both: claim their emo and hardcore, wear a lot of black, dye their hair with random blonde or neon colors. Have about half the songs on their ipod scremo and emo music (incase anyone wants to know whats on their ipod) and the other half any music they like (usually rap, but sometimes pop). care deeply on what you say to them and how they are preceved. males usually stay out of fights and are pussys. both may wear random shirts that have childs stars (big bird, cartoon charactors, and movie stars) on a bright colored shirt. everything else is black. sometimes can be seeen with a "I <3 punk" shirt, even though they are preppy. generally the kids who jump on whatever is cool.

me and a true emo chilling: oh s*&t! not those scene kids again

scene kids: hey can we chill with you guys??? were emo and punk to!

us: no... no you cannot. now go be dushbags somewhere else...

by hahaha i had sex with your mom December 5, 2009

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Scene Kids

Well, most scene kids are all the same. They fit into one group and are a bunch of snooty kids who think they're better than everyone.

Scene kids: Everything random is scene kids. They love dinosaurs, hair bows, and eyeliner. You'll probably find them in their bathrooms taking pictures of themselves.

Music: They like screamo, apparently. And music groups that sound like they just came of Super Mario. They listen to songs that are pointless. Songs about unicorns, dinosaurs, what sounds animals make, etc.


Boys have hair that covers half of their face, usually dyed black or blond. They usually wear eyeliner and have piercings. Hot Topic? They'll be there. They like to wear shirts from brands like DROPDEAD, etc. And they wear super duper tight jeans. I don't understand why they don't just wear leggings. Ugh. Vans, Converse. Yup, they wear those. Usually personalized with their "awesome" drawings of dinosaurs, and other "random" things.

Girls have hair that looks like it hasn't been brushed in days, but they DID tease it....a LOT. The "scene" girls usually dye their hair, just like the boys. Abnormal color streaks are acceptable. Put on eye makeup like a raccoon? You're going to be just fine in the scene! Girls also wear fake eyelashes... They usually could be seen wearing necklaces with birds, brass knuckles, and diamonds. Like boys, they wear skinny jeans. Regardless the season. Vans and Converse are also acceptable. They wear flats too.

Personality: Similar to emo, but more happy and upbeat. ALSO...if you'd like to become "scene", you must know that there is this program. HxC and SxE. HxC: hardcore. Participates in the casual sex and drugs. SxE: straight edge. Doesn't curse or do drugs. No sex either.

P.S.* 1. Their myspace pages are WAYYY too fancy.
2. Their myspace names are like this: Tony Tamale; Caty Catastrophe; Suzzie Suicide.
3. They are striving to become famous online, so they HAVE to accept any friend request they get.

-scene kids on myspace-

one of the scene kids:OMG!?! Timmy Suicide just commented my myspace right now, and said I was the hottest girl on HERE. SOOO RAD!

the other: ohh myyy goshhh. we have to put on more eyeliner and post some more pics, Stacyyy!!

by Hazel-yyy July 23, 2009

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Scene Kid

Often Mistaken as an "emo".


An Emo: Black hair, tight pants, and Random.

A Scene kid:

Follows The hottest trends or "scene".

"Wow, Thats one hot scene kid."

by KidsJustWannaHaveFun July 6, 2009

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Scene Kid

A person who is basically emo but instead of black they were the gayest colors they can find. If its in the rainbow its cool. They dye thier hair 2-7 different colors and look like the result of a mentally handicapped glam rocker fucking a peacock. They like to think they are tough when they act like totall douchebags and wear shirts that advertise cancelled Nickelodeon shows, Sega Genesis/Super Nintendo games, Have "dinasawrz" on thier tee shirts and listen to "hardxcore" music (notice the letter "x" cuz they use it often) They claim to not be emo in any way when in facet they are more emo then emo, they are emo xxxxxXTREMExxxxx! In thier freee time they like to play Sonic and Knuckles and act like its a brand new release, masterbate to Crunkcore music, talk about how so totallt hawt the lead singer of AFI is, and smoke pot and claim to be "straight edge". The guys like to wear jeans so tight that thier testicles will pop if anything even brushes up against them, the girls look like plastic barbie dolls with dumbass colorful hair,a nd they ALL wear tee shirts of bands that they dont even listen to. They also think that every band that screams is considered "Screamo". They say shit like "Slipknot, iwrestleddabearonce and Pentara are teh beezt Screamo bands eva, Who agrees?" and they will get 40 thumbs up from other dumbass scene kids who fail to relise that NONE of those bands are screamo!

Scene Kid - "Hay wazzup nig?
Normal Guy - "uhh, what?"
Scene Kid - Im kewler then u dawg but its all good ya digg?
Normal Guy - umm, ok?"
Scene Kid - "Did you evr hear dat Screamo band Korn? they are teh sexx!"
Normal Person - "Korn is Nu Metal and not even remotly close to Screamo, wtf are you talking about?"
Scene Kid - "U muzt not get the real musik then, ur a n00b and I am kewler, Korns song (Down With The Sickness) is badazz, u dont git teh screamo muzik.
Normal Person - *gets pissed and kicks the faggot scene kids ass*
Scene Kid - *wakes up* "Where am I? Diz aint kewl dawg!"
Group of people with an IQ over that of a baked potato - *all start stabbing scene kid repeatidly with rusty forks until he bleeds to death*
*The world rejoices!*

by thenuguy65 September 11, 2010

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Scene kids

A group of amazing kids who people usually make fun of.
People who DO make fun of Scene kids, don't usually know what really good fashion really IS.
Awesome Scene kids shop at Vintage stores.
Scene girls often wear bows and headbands.
And alot of scene kids put extra letters on words such as: "Radd."


by HFDJFBKDSJBFKJS July 11, 2008

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scene kid

scene kids are just another kind of group. like preps, goths etc. we dont listen to unknown artists because noone else has heard of them or because we want to be different. we listen to the music we listen to because its what we like, thats all. i dont see why anyone is against this group. its not like we hate goths because they like to wear oversized bell bottom pants which are either black or neon colored, or because they have 5 different chains hanging from them. we aren't unfriendly and jerkish or judgmental. get over the fact that we're different. people are different, no one is the same and just because we aren't into what you're into, doesn't mean we're posers or faggish. we aren't wanna bes or anything like that. Scene kids are kids doing, wearing and acting like they want, like themselves. and just because we may be more out of the ordinary than others are, doesn't mean were fakes or anything like that. i know i've said these things already but, i must stress it. we have certain ways of saying stuff on aim, but so don't you. we have certain ways of dressing and accessorizing, but then again so dont you. we have different tastes in music and hair styles, but <u>so dont you</u>. how come nobodys picking on the people with the mohawks? because your too busy sitting here judging people you have nothing against, (but yet acting like they did something terribley wrong to you) when you actually dont know them, your just too bitter to take the time to get to.

and btw there are no TYPICAL conversations. get over yourselves trying to judge us and tell us what we say, act, do, dress like.

oh yes yes yes. almost forgot. some people are conformists, other aren't. not all scene kids are, not all aren't. judgmental whores. stfu.

by xslynn March 18, 2008

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