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Sub Seating

The "seating chart" that students assume when a teacher is absent and the substitute doesn't know the seating chart. This usually entails everyone sitting with their friends, which makes the class that much more loud and unmanageable.

Example 1
Hannah: Hey, Josh, guess what? Ms. Kelvin isn't here, we have a sub!
Josh: Aw, yeah, you know what that means! Sub seating!

Example 2
Sophie: Why are you sitting in your assigned seat? Come sit here, it's sub seating.

by chatterbox321 December 5, 2010

ostritch seat

when you lose your virginity in a car with leather seats.

Mike: "Yo, what'd you do this weekend?"
Trey: "Nothing much man, just had the occasional ostritch seat."
Mike: "Damn get it"

by bobduncanexperience December 9, 2016

Seat Stoned

a.To be so high that you actually believe you cannot move. Can be a good or a bad feeling.

b.To be stoned to your seat. Usually happens when watching TV. In both cases, you have an overwhelming sensation that you feel like a large boulder.

Dude, I have to pay my guy for the weed we just smoked, but I'm so seat stoned right now I can't even think about getting up.

guy 1. Hey, what happened after I left last night?
guy 2. Not much. After we smoked that bud I got seat stoned and passed out.

by part irishman September 16, 2009

bench seat

One of the biggest advantages of owning an old vehicle. Allows for unobstructed make-out sessions with your woman.

There's a lot of cool things about that '70 Dart I have, and the fact that it is equipped with a bench seat is near the top of the list.

by Mister. Bojangles. September 17, 2015

ho seat

to sit in the middle of two people

ahh man yall sitting on the ends i guess i'll sit in the ho seat

by courtney whatley February 3, 2009

seat spank

when one farts on a hard/flat surface and makes a rhymthic slapping noise.

"Ah shit man, it smells."
"I know, didn't you hear that seat spanker?"

by Steve-oChillbro October 25, 2010

the hot seat

it on the edge of the bed or on a chair with your feet on the floor. She turns away and backs up onto you, sitting between your legs. She can ride back and forth by pushing off the chair arms or pressing up with her feet. She can control the angle of entry by arching her back and pressing her buttocks into your groin. While doggy-style is about your dominance, The Hot Seat puts her in the driver's seat.

Man, yesterday I gave that bitch the hot seat, she rode me like a horse.

by riofrt April 15, 2016