When you stand a pee but have to fart and start instead.
I though I had to pee but sharpied instead. Needless to say I did a quick 180 and sat down as fast as I could.
a nickname for anyone with a last name that can sound like sharpie
Bob: Her last name is sharp what should i call her
Farnk: Sharpie
The pen Dance and Phil use to draw cat whispers on their face once a year in Pinof or Phil is not on fire.
Dan:"Phil pass me that sharpie!"
Being so fucking indecisive as to create a online social media website event and not even respond to whether you are going or not yourself.
You may also reply "maybe" to other people's events and then have a 99.3% chance of turning up. In the 0.7% chance you do not turn up you will apologise and then probably create another event in sympathy for missing the previous one, again, you will put "maybe attending".
Bro: "He man, I've just created this awesome party event. You gonna come?"
Bro2: "Yer"
Bro3: "YER!!!one!!!"
Bro4: "Let's get so drunk we aren't legally able to drive!"
Bro5: "Soz can't, my mum's funeral x"
Bro2: "Faggot"
Bro6: *doesn't respond, but turns up, and has seen and viewed the event multiple times*
Bro2,Bro3,Bro4,Bro5: "Bro6, Pulling A Sharpie"