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Soccer is a 'sport' in it's loosest sense, where between 10 and 22 she-men nancy around a pitch, randomly falling over and messing up their prissy haircuts. Homosexuality is rife in the sport, and many professionals are technically retarded (listen to an interview and you'll understand).

Many footballers go on to have jobs as taxi drivers or alcoholics. Footballers tend to stay away from rugby players because they are smaller, less intelligent and are generally in awe of the 'bigger boys'.

Most fans are thugs that posture at each other, shout obscenities and generally look like prats. They are often characterised by string vests, tattoos and body odour. Their typical IQ of 7 is also a good indication.

Football fans tend not to have sex with the opposite sex very often as they are (on average) repulsive creatures.

Soccer Fan 1: 'I support Arsenal'
Soccer Fan 2: 'I support Chelsea'

Huge windmilling fight ensues, causing international coverage and a general acceptance that all football fans are yobs with low skilled jobs.

by offside7 March 7, 2007

44๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž


Chavies all around England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland and Brazillians enjoy playing this lame ass sport. You wanna real sport, play basketball, or REAL American football.

Chav: Oy mush, you wanna go n' play sum' footy?
Normal person: No, I aint a litle girl!

by Elem July 2, 2005

67๐Ÿ‘ 119๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word commonly used in times of confusion.

Also a sport...i think???...






Dad:ehm..eh..(looks around)....well just this once....

by imabox December 7, 2005

54๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž


a gay sport that is only played by gay fag smoking british poeple,and soft guys who can't play real football,and think that because they like it every one else should.

hey i play soccer lets watch queer eye for the straight guy,and eat fish and chips.

by cedric hill August 13, 2006

56๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž


not near as entertaining as those riots that break out in the stands among the fans who at some point must realize what a boring fuckin piece of shit game they are watching after several hours and the score is still zero to zero and so they just decide to punch the drunken fuck next to them to create a little (any actually) action...

Go soccer hooligans go!
Bash eachother's drunken teeth in.

woooooooo *chugs beer* alright woooo!!

by drunk fu fighting September 16, 2004

61๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž


a boring ass sport where you watch 90 minutes of the same thing happening. bunch of fags running up and down a field with an occasional kick and grasp of opposing player's ass/balls.

ex 1:
soccer player: it's not called soccer its call football asshole!
normal person: what team are you on?
soccer player: im on the varsity soccer team yayyy!

ex 2:
urban dictionary soccer queer definition: IT'S CALLED FOOTBALL ONLY FAT LAZY AMERICANS CALL IT SOCCER
normal person: then why did you define it under "soccer"?

by soccer is for the gays May 4, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


An extremly hard sport that requies skills. Unlike Football soccer is what came up with the word futball and the americans just copied it and made a gayass sport off it. Futball means to play with your legs not your hands. In soccer all decsions are final and the refferees don't review a tape and change there call. In order to play soccer the player needs to be in shape and be able to run for 90min strieght. Unlike Footbal(America version) we don't rest every 10sec.

Soccer player: Has great condition and is mentally smart.

Football player: Is fat wieghts over 300 pounds and are preety stupid.

by oscar22 July 16, 2008

19๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž