A term mentioned a lot in American television talk shows and by pop 'psychologists' like Dr Phil. A psuedo metaphysical cliché based on normative assumptions about personal relationships.
It is an elusive and subjective term and any definition would be to apply a generalisation to personal relationships. It could be argued that searching for a 'soulmate' will only lead to frustration because it is questionable that such an entity even exists.
Mary has become depressed because she believes her past relationships failed, as she was unable to locate her supposed soulmate out of the billions of inhabitants of planet Earth.
As a well known song states "It's got to be, perfect and I won't take anything less". Mary follows this statement too closely and is lead to constant disappointment, because she believes life is like a romance novel.
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A term used to describe an intense friendship between two people of the same gender. Similar to "best friends", but more intense. These people complete each other, though they are not involved in a romantic, homosexual relationship. If one of them were of the preferential gender for a sexual connection, they would totally get married.
"Wow, M and B are really close these days." "Yeah, they're totally each other's same sex soulmate."
A term used To describe what Dan and Phil Are to each other and in general
Dan and Phil are soulmate
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Veronica's soulmate is Archie freaking Andrews.
Archie Andrews is Veronica's soulmate
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This is a very special person. Somebody who’s more than a friend, more even than a best friend. This is your soulmate best friend. This is the one person in your life that makes you happier than any other friend, and somebody who you love to death. This is somebody that you would be willing to take a bullet for. Just as you have a soulmate that you are destined to spend your life with. This is the soulmate that you’re destined to spend your life with as best friends. Once you have this person don’t ever let them go, not that it would be possible anyways. Through thick and thin, good and evil, and happiness and pain. This is your soulmate best friend.
Somebody: is that person really that important to you
You: yes they’re more than my best friend at this point
Somebody: what are they?
You: my soulmate best friend
national soulmate day is a day to appreciate the soulmates in your life, whether its romantic or platonic. today is their day to shine!!!.
kalia : i love you stefan, you are my platonic soulmate on national soulmate day
stefan : i love you too
The day to celebrate your platonic soulmate!
Person A:hey happy platonic soulmate day
Person B:no way dawg thanks so much I love you platonic soulmate