When a man or men ejaculate into a females (or males) naval or belly button, filling it up.
Also referred to as a naval bomb or naval bombing
I dropped a naval strike on my girlfriend last night
Verb. An aeronautical term that describes the undesired contact of a spinning propellor with the runway surface. excusable in conventional gear aircraft as there is nothing supporting the nose of the airplane, but completely noobish if done in a tricycle gear airplane. propstrikes can costs thousands of dollars to inspect and repair.
Pilot 1: Tom decided not to flare on landing and figured out a way to prop strike a skyhawk
Pilot 2: what a noob
A man's cigarette.
Lucky Strikes won World War 2, saved America from communism, and got your dad laid. The entire country owes a debt of gratitude to this marvelous cigarette. Lucky Strikes are a taste of a bygone era.
"Grab me a pack of Lucky Strikes Phillip!"
"All sold out Tom."
"Are you serious?"
"I'll fucking kill you.............."
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a video game for super nintendo which is simply impossible to beat. The makers of the game were pissed at the world and took it out on 8 year old kids who have alot of freee time on their hands.
damn desert strike is impossible
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When you "like" everything on someone's Facebook wall. Comments, statuses, pictures, everything. This floods the person with notifications and is very annoying.
Me: Jenny was being a bitch on Facebook chat, so i'll like strike her wall.
Jenny: WTF is up with all of these notifications?
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What to use when you have to kill every last thing in a large area.
Oh man, there are too many {insert living beings here} here, time to bust out the orbital strike.
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Tagging, in a graffiti sense. Oftentimes "striking up" is terminology used by gang members when they go around their hood and rep their gangs through graffiti, but can also be used when referring to regular tagging.
-Yo, bro, ima go strike up a bit, get myself up there. You in?
-Lil homie, now that you down with the set, time to teach you how to strike up
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