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swagger jacking

Stealing somebody else's ways, copying their swagger. Popularized by Juelz Santana.

Newer rappers are always swagger jacking artists like Tupac and B.I.G

by Shelaya November 28, 2005

237๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž

Swagger Slazko

A person who thinks to be a swagger but isn't. Often it's a retarded person with inferiority complexes.

A: "Look at me, I'm cool!"
B: "Shut up, Swagger Slazko"

by AsiG November 10, 2011

lane swagger

The act of swerving in to another lane while driving a vehicle. This is most common around drivers 65 and older.

Damn, here we go again, another blue hair has their lane swagger on. Watch out!

by lane swagger January 25, 2011

swagger wagon

The term used for a minivan with lots of swagger. Only swagger wagon members are aloud in swagger wagon.

"I took a ride in the swagger wagon tonight, I'm full of swagger!"

by swaqqawagon69 March 18, 2010

57๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

ghetto swagger

A type of walk consisting of a limp and lazy, slow movements that makes the person appear as if he is an injured athlete or runs from police often. The person bearing this walk is naturally fast on his feet when he has to be, but most likely not particularly intelligent.

"Yo, why u walkin like dat?"

"Homie, das my ghetto swagger."

by Young Jeezy's gurl February 20, 2007

36๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

swagger jacker

Someone who steals or copies someone elses style, slang, ideas, way of dress etc.

Like say i buy something first or do something first and you see me wearing what i brought or do what i did and you like it, then you turn right around and buy what i brought or do what i did thats what a swagger jacker is ya digz.

by myspace/gperico February 16, 2007

293๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who jacks or steals someone else's swagger. When someone that is not very cool takes feels the need to take someone else's swagger or awesomeness to try and make themselves cooler.

Raul: Oh my god I'm so awesome! And i think I'll take the Spanish name Cristobal!

Josh: Oh my god that Raul kid is sooooo awesome and cool! The only way I can be as cool as him is to Swagger Jack him and take the name Raul.

Raul: Stop Swagger-jackin me, you will never be as awesome or cool as me.

Abbey: Agreed! Raul is soooo cool!

by RCAR October 7, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž