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quem hanga hanga ne fellas

the verb to hang, but with a brazilian multisemantical touch

the phrase quem hanga hanga ne fellas a little bit like the verb to hang but with a multisemantical touch on it.

by TUCHO April 5, 2018

Getting a little edgy, fellas

I see you guys are downvoting my definitions

Seems like some people are mad or something.

Are you Jews that worried? Well, don’t take it out on me. You shouldn’t underestimate someone like me.

You Jews surely need friends and I’m not even responsible for this failing economy. I really don’t know why people hate me so much…

Getting a little edgy, fellas

by Death Menace May 24, 2023

1👍 6👎

Fellas And The Fellas

The Fellas and finn.

Leighton: "You guys going to hangout with the Fellas And The Fellas tonight?"
John: "Ya I hope"
Leighton: "Is finn going?"
John: "Not sure, hes kind of weird I hope not"

by DASraddish February 10, 2021

All my Fellas

A song made by Frizk. It is a Dance/Electronic song and has been commonly used in memes since around early October and mid November 2023.

A: All my fellas

by yogha November 20, 2023

The fellas

A notorious gang made up of the sped kids from the local elementary school, typically seen meeting after school to commit crimes

Bus driver: hey do you kids need a ride home
Boy: nah I’m a part of the fellas, we gonna blow some shit up
Bus driver: …

by WhiteMuchroom April 28, 2022

fella negro

An enlightened White person; some one who knows the struggles; they are considered 'down.'

Wow - you know Tim...you a fella negro, man...

by AmigoNegro March 7, 2021

Erhm, what the fella?

Invented by Error. What the fella is a term that is very similar to "Erhm, what the sigma?" It is a statement of confusion towards someone or something.

Friend: "I fucking hate Mexicans."
You: "Erhm, what the fella?"

by 3%%0% May 23, 2024