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Basic knowledge

Each side receives basic knowledge of the other. A good measure of this would be what the general population of the character's homeworld knows.

For example, that Superman has a weakness to Kryptonite is general knowledge, but that he's Clark Kent is not.

by Unknow Man March 25, 2005

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how to basic

A youtuber who has an egg fetish and loves to throw them at random objects

Hey Gavin Van Dam have you seen How to basic's new youtube video

by Fartingman20 April 3, 2018

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Food Basics

A grocery store in Welland, Ontario, Canada. It is located on Thorald Rd. and is the largest outdoor hotbox. When one feels the need to smoke marijuana, they usually venture here to do it.

I need to find someone to match up with, I'll go behind Food Basics. Someone's always there.

by Shawn Maglicic December 12, 2005

21๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

basically naked

Underwear only.

Why are you basically naked?

by nabagley December 7, 2015

Basic Emo

An emotional teenager/young adult that dresses in dark colors, shops at Hot Topic, whines about the world, and casually self-harms.

Charlie uploaded another video of him saying he hates everyone while applying eyeliner.
Ugh, he's such a basic Emo.

by randombitch27 August 4, 2016

beyond basic

Being completely and utterly basic; usually being oblivious to one's basicness

Boss Ass Bitch 1: That girl think she so hot takin' dat selfie, but she lookin' a hot ass mess!
Boss Ass Bitch 2: She beyond basic rite now.

by Leixcon September 17, 2014

basically dating

For all intents and purpose, it's when two people are dating, but one or both is afraid to say so publicly.

We're basically dating but we aren't telling anyone because we don't want to hear other people's opinions yet.

by TonyW_NYC April 30, 2016