It is on the 69th day of the year, March 10th.
Come on girls, don’t be pussies, ask a boy out!! It’s national ask a boy out day!! You will never know if they like you if you don’t ask!!
Ask a boy out day is on November 12th
Ask a boy out day
Come in girls don't be a bich it is so simple just ask a boy out
Ask a boy out day defined of ask a girl out day
Come on girls don't be a bich it is so simple just ask a boy
Ask a boy out day defined ask a girl out day
a girl who has a crush on a boy ask them out on november 12
girl hey so i like you and i wanna be with you
boy wow i mean i do to
girl omg yes (thanks national girl ask out boy day)
The Bois Day is a day on 21th October. The day where you and your friends work together to solve that one problem. No matter how hard it is, you and your friends have to keep trying.
It's The Bois Day. Let's complete that mission that we struggled on.
Today is the day you are supposed to hug all of your guy freinds
October 14th
“Oh look it’s National hug a boy day😃”