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Awkward buffer

A person who goes along to a social situation to buffer the awkwardness. Used often when you're trying to get to know someone, but certainly not in the "date" sort of way. Works best if the awkward buffer is a friend of both parties.

Bob: I'm going to meet Maria tonight so we can hang out and get to know each other. Could you come with and be an awkward buffer?

Shelly: Sure! I'm good friends with her, I'll help keep the conversation going :)

by You_don't_know_who_i_is_>:) November 3, 2011

human buffer

the perfect guest who is invited to family get-togethers for the sole purpose of buffering the in-laws from the rest of the immediate family.

Hey, let's invite your brother's new girlfriend for Christmas this year. She was the perfect human buffer at Thanksgiving. She laughed at and made all the appropriate comments during the in-laws' nonsensical ramblings and stupid jokes that all the rest of us have heard a thousand times. She rocks!!!

by kwhit December 16, 2007

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buffer timepass

do some other stuff on computer while your video is buffering because u want to see whole video in one go.

chat :_

urbangirl - why are you talking so strange?

urbanboy - oh sry its just my buffer timepass . i am so curiuos to see that video that am checking it again and again

by laksr January 31, 2010

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Band Buffer

Person who performs sexual favors (usually oral) for all band members before live performance in order to settle nerves and anxiety.

My band buffer scaffed their teeth on my shaft, so I grabbed the baby powder and smacked a bitch.

by A NAME THAT WAS AVAILABLE August 13, 2009

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buffer bars

device used with skill to shine an old vagina - similar to the tools to shine shoes

I fucked Jon Gosselin last night and had to used the buffer bars to clean my dirty pussy

by AJandKiawna November 12, 2009

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buffer girl

A buffer girl refers to a woman who you have sex with only because you need to lose your virginity and gain sexual experience for later female encounters.

Bob: Golly, I really wanna fuck Sally George, but I'm a virgin, and don't want to make a total wet rag outta myself while penetrating her.
George: Geepers bob, you should go with that buffer girl Susan, so that next time Sally asks you to put your penis in her vagina, you'll be ready.

by Dickly Bob August 24, 2006

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Buffer Friend

A friend that in order to hang out with, you need another, closer friend to be there.

Michelle is a buffer friend. I need Andrea there before I will hang out with her.

by Yaid January 19, 2012

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