A term incomprehensible and undefinable by any medium of mortal communication. The last stop on the infinite forms of complex intellectuality incomparable to any level of anything in and beyond existence.
-Damn bro, you haven't made The David Difference?
-Man dude that's all good. Whether in this life or the next, you'll become David eventually. Everyone does.
When a person has their pants pulled up way too far.
Wow, Vance sure is splittin' the difference today, what a douché.
Ian Differ is a character from Dr Greginald Von Wiltonhausen's extraordinary novel "Wrath of Kàà." Roughly translated from his tribe name "Kàà Hu Rààh", Ian differ serves as a noble warrior for the Ùnukbae tribe. Ian is a powerful, ape like man who is outcasted from the tribe due to his rage fueled outbursts. From his time wandering the land of Jāru, Ian learns to harness his abilities, and so, returns to the tribe regaining their trust. Ian soon becomes the tribe leader due to his bravery in the legendary battle of Shű Ki Rà, in which his rage gave him the power to defeat the entire Kimirá tribe. Unfortunately, Ian becomes obsessed with his own abilities and is banished from the tribe. Tourn by his incompetence, Ian becomes a cave dweller and seeks refuge in the Swamps of Goró. The rage within Ian's mind eventually takes over, and transforms him into murderous beast. Disguising himself as a tribesman, Ian goes on a gruesome kill spree. As the novel progresses, Ian become more wretched with power. His hair begins to fall out and his vision begins to blur, weakening his abilities. He is then later defeated by the God of Archery, Dâârkfrúit, in a vicious duel on top of Mount Féóķ. Ian's rage infused soul is lifted from his body and drifts into the stars, so beginning its search for a suitable host, to poison with power.
If someone is referred to as an Ian Differ, they have allowed a feeling of power to overtake them, changing their attitudes and mindset drastically.
Person 1: "Have you noticed Scott has changed a little since he got that promotion?"
*Scott can be heard from another room*
Scott: "What are you two numb skulls doing? I want those files on my desk by the end of the week or else in going to beat your asses! Hahahaha!"
Person 2: "Yea, he's quite an Ian Differ."
A chain of similar looking emojis with one odd one out. Sometimes it can be hard to find, but sometimes it is very obvious. It is used to attract the girls as it can revitalise dead conversations.
Hey Babe! Try Spot The Difference.
The way that lying cheating cowards describe the other women/men they are cheating on/cheating on you with when they get caught.
"Ok, yes...youre right. You caught me. I do have a girlfriend of sorts. But things are different with her than they are with you. Worse Different. "
Used when someone’s demeanor is about to change dramatically, usually for the worse.
If that cashier forgot to put a straw in my bag again, I’m gonna go different.
A term used to avoid being a douche bag when describing an unattractive woman
Do you find my wife attractive. She's differently pretty man.